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Kimi Ga Otona Ni Naru Mae Ni (Yaoi)

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Sagami Waka 2011 released.
Drama / Yaoi
君が大人になる前に; 待你成人之前; Before You Become an Adult
326 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Senpa, accidently learns Senpa's "secret". Senpa who's seen through to Tsuru's feelings, offers to be "pretend lovers"in place of hush money. While Tsuru knows Senpa isn't serious about him, he can't deny his feelings and accepts the offer. But it gradually becomes painful having a love that seems to be going nowhere. Then one day Senpa disappears from Tsuru's life!eaturing the sly teacher and the pure student's painful love agreement, plus other stories full of clumsy and cute men drawn especially for this compilation.

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Apr 13, 2016


Jun 15, 2015


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