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Comments of Hydra 9+10+11

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2023-02-07 01:35
read in main Hydra page
2018-10-20 20:47
lenaGRonyx2016-02-23 22:52 1Agree
[1) Please (ch5)
-- Hydra dj - Kiss
-- Hydra dj - Kiss After
2) Hydra dj - Skies
3) Hydra 1+2+3+4 (ch1-4)
4) Hydra 3+4+5+6 (ch5-6)
-- Hydra dj - Blue Film First (after Hydra ch8)
-- Hydra dj - Heavenly (between Hydra ch9 and ch10-11)
-- Hydra dj - The Days Before
-- Rules dj - Real Thing
-- Rules dj - Hello Again
5) Lovers and Souls
6) Rules dj - Fragile
7) Vanity **
8) Dreamers High **
13) Rules (volumes 1 & 2)
14) Rules dj - If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?
15) Rules (v3)
16) Rules dj - Song Birds
17) Another Day on the Planet (booklet)
18) Rules dj - Double Trouble
19) Rules dj - Overload
20) Rules: 2nd Season]
2018-05-04 22:56
Love it but fucking hate tha stupid story aaahh je déteste ce stupide ryuu
2017-10-09 03:26
Omg!!! what can I say.... It was great the story was great, short but great, the suffering of not been able to be with the one you love or even confess your feelings because you do not know how they're going to react, and a reunion after soch a long separation! ... it was a good story I enjoyed reading it....
2017-05-24 15:51
Already included at: Hydra
Read it like this:
1) Please
2) Hydra Dj - Kiss
3) Hydra Dj - Kiss After
4) Hydra
5) Lovers and Souls
6) Vanity
7) Dreamer's High
8) Rules
9) Rules Dj - Hello Again
10) Rules Dj - If Winter Come, can Spring be Far Behind?
11) Rules Dj - Real Thing
12) Song Birds
13) Another Day on the Planet
14) Double Trouble
13) Rules 2nd
2016-02-24 22:33
Already read in "Hydra" - [Rules serie]
2014-12-20 01:46
Finally!!!! It really captivated me. One of the greatest ever! (only after reading full set - Hydra 1 - 11)
2014-09-10 02:57
What's with YEH?
1st. I picked this manga randomly and now I'm somewhere lost, I must read it from the begining
2nd. That was SAD... really sad, nothing happy about it, just sadness and desperation... it had my heart continuously stiffed..
3nd. I'm deffinetely going to read all the works of sensei
4th. Also loved the art. AMAZING! (especially the coloured, are amazingly unique)
2014-09-08 08:53
Love it!!!
I´m a little sad that Hitomi and Taira break up
But Hitomi always loves Ryuu and Ryuu has finally understand that he also loves Hitomi<33
Both look so hot with short Hair<33
I think the Hydra-Serie
is one of the best Manga´s from Miyamoto-Sensei
It´s such a good Story and you´re addicted to this Serie!!
Name: Hydra 9+10+11
Status: Completed   
Author: Miyamoto Kano 2007 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi
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