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Comments of Raiatea

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2024-06-12 01:47
This artist is so fucking good, they have a way to portray these relationships with such depth. They make obsession a good thing
2024-01-23 19:34
yeah this is fine
2023-12-13 19:35
It's not bad but I did not enjoy the "exoticism" of Mani(LI). I understand appreciating seeing people in their natural habitat(nature) but I think falling to your knees and stalking an indigenous man because you liked how he looked in his tribal lands is just weird. I can't say that Zomu(MC) was fetishizing Mani because it is already shown in this story by other people using typical racist anti-indigenous language, e.g. savage, primitive. But you also get the romanticizing part where it's "oh Mr indigenous you are so beautiful and in touch with nature. and your tribal tattoos are so beautiful because they're sacred. remember that one time we met 20 years ago while you were doing your cultural customs?? No???" As if he isn't a normal man who just happens to have been born on Raiatea and be born to native parents. My last gripe with this story is the idea that Zomu is the only one who can help Mani because he can appreciate him being Mr. Indigenous. This is a very classic case of a white savior complex. Dealing with racism is hard but having a man who's singularly obsessed with his culture and his appearance (and the day they met) being the only person who can help this normal guy is just weird. Yes I know Zomu isn't white but that doesn't mean he can't take on those same characteristics that make a white savior. Anyway, the story would be better if it didn't revolve around saving Mani from internalized racism and Zomu being obsessed with a guy who realistically should not remember him. Because Mani's just a guy, and you're just a guy who took a photo of him. Get over yourself dude.
2023-08-20 14:44
10/10 would read again
2023-07-21 20:27
It wasn’t t as good as I expected
2022-12-20 13:03
8.75 12/2022 Ch 5.5
2022-12-19 16:37
This was beautiful and angsty, just what I love
2023-12-12 22:07
2022-11-26 12:19
If you're looking for something more mature, this is for you. It was a little bit of a mixed bag for me! On one hand, I loved the frequent musings and biographical insights of Zomu and Mani, the two protagonists. They both seemed grounded in their relationships with peripheral characters. One of the great privileges of reading stories with older characters is seeing them describe their formative experiences and (familial) relationships and learning how these elements shaped them into the people they are today. The premise and setting were also incredibly intriguing. On the other hand, the sex scene (and, to be honest, the sexual and romantic chemistry between the two main characters) was unfortunately stilted. I wish there'd been more substantive heft to their romantic denouement, and that a few more chapters had been devoted to their experiences on the island. Moreover, while this was far more sensitive in its portrayal of Pacific Islanders when compared to, say, Mother's Spirit, and made a valiant attempt at realistically portraying their experiences, it still relied at times on questionable tropes. Still--for manga standards, this kind of sensitivity to issues of race is practically unheard of. Since this was a pleasant change of pace from more conventional yaoi, I'm giving it an extra star!
2022-10-22 14:50
Woow soo refreshing
2022-10-12 19:38
Absolutely loved it!
We want more gay men tales from this wonderful author ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡
2022-09-30 10:16
Suddenly stricken with lupus, a photographer loses sight in one eye. Faced with an uncertain prognosis, he feels an urgent need to revisit the South Pacific island that inspired his career. Can he convince the man he encountered there years ago, now a medical researcher in Southern California, to accompany him on his journey?
2022-07-03 11:36
this was a very fulfilling read, i honest cannot put into words the disappoinment I felt after seeing comments that took this story in a very negative light. The story was very well thought out and was very refreshing. The art in this story is so good but we all knew that already. If you want a wonderful read then this story is for you.
2022-05-25 23:17
4.5 I wan more
2022-05-08 19:31
Older couple
Cultural identity
2022-03-23 07:51 can this have such low rating..... this was really good what the fuck. I'm always cautious when a manga features an indigenous character because more often than not it comes off as fetishizing and racist (looking at you, Mother's Spirit). But in here, the author addressed such fetishizing and racist behavior towards the character, and we see how it impacted and changed him irrevocably as a person. I also love the art (those people saying that it's ugly are insane im telling you) and how fulfilling the story is considering the length of the book. Totally godsend will read again.
2022-02-27 16:31
A son of a photographer who meets a beautiful Indian on a trip with his dad to an unexplored island.
Now as a half blind adult he meets him again.
Name: Raiatea
Status: Completed   
Author: Okadaya Tetuzoh 2013 released.
Genre(s): Adventure / Drama / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
Alternative: ライアテア; 重返神聖之島
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