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why no more chapters? :(
oh okay, so i wasn't wrong to assume you got jealous haha
my god dude
we got a clingy boi (love that)
i was like "this is shounen ai, isn't it?" but then i remember we saw bro jerk off...
he told him
turns out you admitting it was the way to go, who coulda guessed?
i imagined he said it, but i wasn't expecting it to go word for word (i like you is predictable shut
bro's about to barge into your room and say he wants to be with you forever
nononono i'm having so much deja vu it's illegal I SWEAR I'VE SEEN THIS SCENE
it happened again lol, but you didn't jerk it in front of him so it's marginally better
dudes subconscious feelings came out again lol
bro gets romantical when he's drunk
bro is heavy in denial, you just don't know it yet
De Nile is a river in Egypt
that was very unconvincing, get better points bro

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Name: Hello Again
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Ichikawa Kei 2014 released.
Genre(s): Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai
Alternative: ハローアゲイン
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