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I liked and hated the last story

HarleyQRaven February 13, 2021 11:20 pm

the most.. When you really think about it, the Uke in the last story is so brave. As humans we seek companionship, but this can have dire consequences if done out of impulse due to loneliness and if one or both have alot of emotional baggage to unpack which the Seme certainly has ALOT more than the Uke. The fact that he was also heterosexual, married AND had a child who is now deceased prior to having a relationship with the Uke added to my anxiousness for the longevity of this couple. I can't relate personally, but I think it would be scary if I was gay and got into a relationship with someone who didn't identify as gay prior to our involvement. I would always wonder if maybe they would prefer going back to a more normalized relationship as viewed upon by society. That adding to the fact that the relationship could abruptly
end once one or the other felt they were whole again and start to feel they need "more." The Seme looking off, lost in his thoughts at the end only served to add on to my anxiety to the point that the reassuring hug in the end did nothing to ease them. Ahhh...why couldn't I've be born to simply be a surface dweller.

    green tea May 6, 2021 9:38 am

    I kinda get what you mean... But the look into the sky felt like he was talking with his child. Trying to find forgiveness for his lack of presence at home.