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i think its kinda funny how people get hung up on staying accurate to the og greek mytholo...

Anonymous May 29, 2021 10:42 pm

i think its kinda funny how people get hung up on staying accurate to the og greek mythological ships. The original was a pretty traumatic story where he kidnapped and raped Persephone and she begged to be free from him but was only allowed out for half the year and essentially was tricked into being with him against her will. If you want real accuracy you are basically asking for a story of abuse and truama. I really am not a fan of these new stories that like to pretend she was actually into him the whole time. Imagine if 2000 years from now people start writing comics around Taken In Broad Daylight where that crazy guy kidnapped that teen and abused her for a week before she escaped. But they turn that story into a rom com where the two are just misunderstood and she learned to love him. Just kinda messed up imo you're ignoring all the bad historical bits for the ones that make for an exciting romance.

    Haque_desu May 29, 2021 11:30 pm

    Historical?? Does mythology even count as history ? I get your point but all that wasn't real you know. And also mythology varies depending on who's telling it so I don't think one can really count on it

    Anonymous May 29, 2021 11:50 pm
    Historical?? Does mythology even count as history ? I get your point but all that wasn't real you know. And also mythology varies depending on who's telling it so I don't think one can really count on it Haque_desu

    Yeah i am pretty aware it was fake. my point was that the generally accepted "cannon" of the original myth was not some sweet love story. People like to romanticize it like that and go gaga over Persephone and Hades because of stuff like Lore Olympus. They are probably the most popular mythical couple right now because of these revisions but the original cannon that it was based on is undeniably about a man kidnapping and holding a woman hostage. I just think its a little weird people like to rewrite that particular pairing to be more wholesome and loving then it really was.

    I get that its fake and this story barely has anything to do with the original story to begin with other then the names and the loose idea of gods and olympus. I just think its weird how people want accuracy to the original with having the name of a fl be Persephone as his wife but leave out the other accurate details about the rape and forced marriage.

    Haque_desu May 30, 2021 12:04 am
    Yeah i am pretty aware it was fake. my point was that the generally accepted "cannon" of the original myth was not some sweet love story. People like to romanticize it like that and go gaga over Persephone and ... Anonymous

    Of course no one's going to ask for rape and crime. Not to mention most people don't really know what the original myth is anyway so you can't blame them. Some people got to familiarize themselves with Hades and Persephone through those revised stories to begin with hence it's natural for them to ask such things

    CuteCumber June 6, 2021 10:12 pm

    “I wanna be taken in broad daylight” girl bye-