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help me find something for a friend please!

laurphia June 14, 2021 8:30 am

“Do you know the name to this manga where there’s this girl who writes this love letter to this guy she likes because she thinks he did something (the thing that made her like him) but she finds out her friend likes him too and so she needs to get the letter back quick or else her friend will think of her the wrong way and she finds the guys friend with the letter and so he helps her hide the letter but in the end the girls friend finds the letter and she thinks the guy gave her friend the letter and so she leaves the school after a bit of bullying from her classmates and her misunderstood friend. And then years later she meets the guy who she thinks have the letter and the misunderstanding is cleared after a few chapters. I think they get a cat too but yeah. Do you know the name of the manga?”
