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So mad at the Seme >:(

Lilium July 22, 2016 5:32 pm

Ugh, at this point I'm only reading because its Sakyo Aya's work and because I'm curious about the ending. But I really hate that seme. The uke deserves someone who is going to listen to him and treat him with RESPECT. (Seme failed at that when he said he'll do anything except for the one thing the uke wants him to do, which is to be gone.) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Mel July 23, 2016 2:26 am

    I think that the seme realises that if he just leaves its not gonna fix what he broke and the uke is still going to be miserable. I think its kinda brave of him to stay. Not that that makes up for what he did but you know they've gotta have some closure or the uke will never be able to move on. (Even though we all know they'll both end up together in the end but do you get what I'm trying to say?)