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Usually don’t comment but some of these comments…..

MoonJuju July 1, 2021 4:21 pm

I think it’s hard to say what you would do in a domestic violent relationship while having a kid. I’m not defending the mother’s actions at all in this situation, but I’m sure she thought she was doing the best thing for the both of them.

Which is where I feel a little torn, in this situation I empathize with the child more as he didn’t ask to be brought into this world. And I bet if he was asked ‘do you want your mother to leave and make a better life or do you just want your mom?’ He would choose the latter.

She made an incredibly hard decision and was dealt a bad hand in life which i can’t even begin to understand. I also think it’s hard for people to initially empathize because, from face value it looks like she’s living in luxury with a stone cold personality. In the end they both were victims and I just think they should talk.
