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At 293 so far

Nishikadochan July 9, 2023 5:36 pm

Read through chapter 293 so far. I'm so stoked to see how Winston and Qing Qing are behaving differently toward each other now! I love the way he's not scared to touch her casually anymore. She seems much more relaxed around him as well, not that she wasn't pretty comfortable already. I'm NOT thrilled about how they finally became mates. I don't really blame Winston for it though. He was out of his mind and hallucinating. I'm confident he'd never have behaved that way if he was in his right mind. It's not Winston's fault. It's just horrible circumstances. But I do wish they had become mates in a more tender way. Oing Oing had been thinking more and more positively of him, and it felt like they were headed that way I've been looking forward to this for ages. I love Winston. He's so good.
