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AnimeGirl September 28, 2023 2:40 pm

With that personality of yours, of course Aisha would be prettier. Jesus

    CuciBuci September 28, 2023 4:43 pm

    Hello bestie! And lol yes, you're completely right.

    Lushia September 28, 2023 5:12 pm

    It's not her fault. Her father groomed her and now she seeks that attention

    AnimeGirl September 28, 2023 5:33 pm
    It's not her fault. Her father groomed her and now she seeks that attention Lushia

    There's something called reality check. Aisha is always looking after her and telling her what's right or wrong. She's a teenager now, she should be able to start see things more clearly.

    AnimeGirl September 28, 2023 5:34 pm
    Hello bestie! And lol yes, you're completely right. CuciBuci

    Hiiiii! And thanks, people need to stop excusing Aida's behaviour.

    Lushia September 28, 2023 6:26 pm
    There's something called reality check. Aisha is always looking after her and telling her what's right or wrong. She's a teenager now, she should be able to start see things more clearly. AnimeGirl

    I agree but at the same time, you can't say it's not from her childhood trauma. I can't say bc I wasn't groomed but I think she would've turned out differently if she wasn't groomed but at the same time I think she's intelligent. In their world man have all the power so if ypu have one or two around your finger, it can generate safely but at the same time it's dangerous

    Lushia September 28, 2023 6:29 pm
    There's something called reality check. Aisha is always looking after her and telling her what's right or wrong. She's a teenager now, she should be able to start see things more clearly. AnimeGirl

    Her father picked her for a reason. Aisha is more intelligent then her so it would be hard to groom her but on other hand she's more playful and wants to try all kinds of things so it's not that hard to make her do what he wants

    AnimeGirl September 28, 2023 6:58 pm
    Her father picked her for a reason. Aisha is more intelligent then her so it would be hard to groom her but on other hand she's more playful and wants to try all kinds of things so it's not that hard to make he... Lushia

    I can see where you're coming from but we can't always excuse her actions or saying oh well she doesn't know any better. She acts literally like a blind person and doesn't listen to anything her sister says. And also she's manipulative especially around boys because she always tries to get their attention and yet still doesn't help her sister to get rid of the step family.

    Lushia September 28, 2023 10:38 pm
    I can see where you're coming from but we can't always excuse her actions or saying oh well she doesn't know any better. She acts literally like a blind person and doesn't listen to anything her sister says. An... AnimeGirl

    We don't know that though? We only see things from Aisha pov maybe she is seducing thr brothers to help her sister.Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I feel like she is much more smarter then she leads on, like her sister is too intelligent for her age but I agree I think she plays too much for my liking bur someone may think differently, If you ask me she needs serious help if she is not actually trying to get more power by seducing men and is asking for too much male attention

    AnimeGirl September 29, 2023 3:26 pm
    We don't know that though? We only see things from Aisha pov maybe she is seducing thr brothers to help her sister.Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I feel like she is much more smarter then she leads on, ... Lushia

    Mm yeah, sorry no. It's not only from Aisha's point of view. Everytime they're alone in their room they're discussing things and she always receives opinions and advice from Aisha. And then, we see her reply and every bad decision later on. She should be able to use her manipulation for their sake since they know that their step family is bad. My opinion about her stands firm and i think if you ask what people think of her i think most of them would tell you that she's acting like an ignorant spoiled child.

    Lushia September 29, 2023 5:32 pm
    Mm yeah, sorry no. It's not only from Aisha's point of view. Everytime they're alone in their room they're discussing things and she always receives opinions and advice from Aisha. And then, we see her reply an... AnimeGirl

    I guess ok

    vyn September 30, 2023 6:56 pm
    There's something called reality check. Aisha is always looking after her and telling her what's right or wrong. She's a teenager now, she should be able to start see things more clearly. AnimeGirl

    if you read Ayeshah's Secret, there’s a lot more meaning between the two twins than what you see here. Aida is protecting Aisha with the way she acts, and Aisha is protecting Aida with the way she acts. What they’re doing and the way they portray themselves is for each other’s protection. Aida got groomed by her father, whilst knowing she was being groomed so Aisha didn’t have to be. And also, just stop victim blaming? Aida got groomed, it’s not a mindset you can just change. Wild that you’re saying this.

    AnimeGirl September 30, 2023 7:31 pm
    if you read Ayeshah's Secret, there’s a lot more meaning between the two twins than what you see here. Aida is protecting Aisha with the way she acts, and Aisha is protecting Aida with the way she acts. What ... vyn

    Yes i read the story and i'm also aware that she was groomed but those two stories are different. Every argument i've said so far is valid, so to not repeat myself read them. I'm still standing firm on my opinion and she doesn't deserve the excuses anymore. Until when this behaviour is gonna be approved or forgiven? This is not victim blaming, it's trying to be a wake up call and what you're doing now is always victimising the victim which is worse for the future, but ok you do you.

    Nish♡ January 28, 2024 1:26 pm

    Girl I agree everyone's out here excusing her behaviour but it's about time she should be able to get a wake up call

    AnimeGirl January 28, 2024 2:03 pm
    Girl I agree everyone's out here excusing her behaviour but it's about time she should be able to get a wake up call Nish♡

    Hallelujah! Amen to that