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I think I'm the only one who doesn't like the wife

Avantgarde October 25, 2023 6:04 am

I just don't know, i just cannot like the wife. Maybe I'm the odd one out. I like the anti-hero blondie better. There are various reasons as to why but this is a psychological story, so i think everyone has shades of grey. Also yes, it probably wasn't the wife's responsibility to take care of her step brother but she or her mom could have visited him from time to time just to see how he was doing. This probably doesn't justify his revenge plan but I just cannot like the wife. But there's also no yaoi tag, so i donno how this will end.

    S-J-M October 25, 2023 6:20 am

    I agree, the wife is trash

    Yanixi October 25, 2023 6:11 pm

    So u don’t blame any of the blood family? Who knew the kid since birth? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 yea it was wrong what her and her mom did honestly her mother seems more of just a terrible parent and person all together but the wife was still in school and they were poor and the mother wasn’t working but bringing men. Sure she could have visited but so could have his blood relatives or better yet they could have taken him

    S-J-M October 26, 2023 12:35 am
    So u don’t blame any of the blood family? Who knew the kid since birth? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 yea it was wrong what her and her mom did honestly her mother seems more of just a terrible parent and person all tog... Yanixi

    None of what you said changes that the wife is trash though. He clearly had no one else as his father had asked they care for him and instead she abandoned him at an orphanage where he was abused. Even if he did have other family that chose not to take him, trash wife still abandoned him. It doesn't make her less of trash ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Yanixi October 26, 2023 3:46 am
    None of what you said changes that the wife is trash though. He clearly had no one else as his father had asked they care for him and instead she abandoned him at an orphanage where he was abused. Even if he di... S-J-M

    Wife was still in school and not responsible for a child, yes it was a terrible thing to do but how do we know how close he and the father was to his blood relatives it doesn’t say only that they refused to take him and the father may have asked them to look out for him but he knew they were poor and that he left behind debts unless the father was hiding the debts from them┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    S-J-M October 26, 2023 4:04 am
    Wife was still in school and not responsible for a child, yes it was a terrible thing to do but how do we know how close he and the father was to his blood relatives it doesn’t say only that they refused to t... Yanixi

    Lmfao make all the excuses you want. She's trash, sorry you don't get it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Avantgarde October 26, 2023 5:38 am
    Wife was still in school and not responsible for a child, yes it was a terrible thing to do but how do we know how close he and the father was to his blood relatives it doesn’t say only that they refused to t... Yanixi

    True true. Then if she is so nice, instead of getting blackmailed, she should have gone to the police or better yet not been afraid of Wooyoung when he wanted to expose her. She should have owned up and said her part. "That yes, I did what i did because i was a teenager and had no legal obligation for my step brother". But she didn't. She hid like a coward and let her husband get entangled in all this, just because she didnt want anything to happen to her career. She's not a criminal just a very selfish and trash woman. Also which woman keeps her phone off during meetings with her ex. Most people just keep it silent or something, not off. If that isn't suspicious I don't know what is. And its true the husband has an inferiority complex and got manipulated by Wooyoung. But tbh Wooyoung didn't have to do much, just base his lies? on the existing cracks of an already-on-the-verge-of-death marriage.

    Wooyoung just wanted a sincere apology from the person he probably trusted in childhood, but still didn't get any.

    Yanixi October 26, 2023 6:10 am
    True true. Then if she is so nice, instead of getting blackmailed, she should have gone to the police or better yet not been afraid of Wooyoung when he wanted to expose her. She should have owned up and said he... Avantgarde

    I don’t think anyone would want that to get out in their career and not only does that affect her but her daughter and her husband as well. I don’t think she hid at all as soon as she found out about the blonde at the party when the blonde said she was “happy” to meet someone she hadn’t met for the first time in a long time they went home she talked to her mom first yes but she did tell her husband everything that same night and the husband met the blonde before she met him and was already falling into his traps. I get that it was terrible and that she’s selfish but damn I’m not rooting for him to destroy her family either