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4treevMn January 11, 2024 3:50 am

So I was reading a manga and I can't remember the title I checked history everything or I'm just really blind... and I finally thought you know what its time to ask for help , so here we are. This is some parts I can remember at the best of my memory.

It was yaoi, omegaverse. The leads were a (alpha) professor and a assistant professor (beta, not a student).
So the professor has some kind of illness he can't control his pheromones (sometimes?) and is very grumpy . Since he can't control them he releases them and that makes other people afraid of him, so his pheromones are not the seducing type of pheromones!! so his office is like secluded cuz his entire self affects the productivity of the other staff(that was a key part of the story).

And the assistant is like the angel for the students and the prof is like the demon. His very all smiley and professional most of the students and other staff go to him if they have something to him to the prof, and some students are like so we can cheat on the next exam since he was the proctor at that exam or something yet they all don't know he is actually very no to cheating type of person so he got that CCTV eyes.

And one time a student got his heat, it disturbed the class and the assistant professor was like ok imma handle this thing and the professor was like he's very good and thankful but he's very like agitated cuz the pheromones affected him and was sent to his office by the assistant so he went there. Then after the assistant help the student in heat he went to the office and finding the professor and several syringes (needles) on the table and was like wtf is wrong with you you know that affects your health blah blah blah you should just use one blah blah and then goes you know what just bite me so that you could calm down is part of the manual ?? and the professor after thinking did bite him. And there relationship started to grow from there.

P.s. the dialogues are not what they actually are saying just the feeling of it you know
Ps. This is a repost and it's not mr.beta
Thank you!!

    Simp January 11, 2024 3:59 am
    Ik it from the first line LMAO

    4treevMn January 11, 2024 4:19 am Ik it from the first line LMAO Simp

    It's not mr. Beta

    Simp January 11, 2024 5:37 am
    It's not mr. Beta 4treevMn

    Yes it is it literally exactly like u described. Alpha x beta, student going into heat forcing alpha to go into heat. Beta calming down situation, excessive pheromone alpha who uses 10 syringes and ends up biting beta to calm down... THATS MR BETA

    4treevMn January 11, 2024 5:47 am
    Yes it is it literally exactly like u described. Alpha x beta, student going into heat forcing alpha to go into heat. Beta calming down situation, excessive pheromone alpha who uses 10 syringes and ends up bit... Simp

    It's not I checked it after someone saying the same thing. The thing is I'm looking for a manga not a webtoon too.