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Anyone know what happened in recent years in fandom

June 30, 2024 1:55 am

That has brought the fake and performative IRL morality police to the forefront? It’s to the point that anything is deemed disgusting if it even tips the scale of IRL morals. It’s weird and ruins the point of all this made up media. No one is reading manga and manhwa/hua for accuracies… or to be a rigid perfect story with perfection at every corner. It’s not realistic and also a mood killer. Yes in real life there are tons of problems that need to be addressed. But in comic media?? Especially that is shared with us not FOR US…. Why place it to an impossible standard.

If you don’t like a certain trope… don’t read it. Let others who enjoy it do what they want. Better yet! Draw your own!! Fill up more space with your own shit! No one is stopping you. Unless you’re own work is hated on as well… how ironic sigh. This medium is all subjective and it’s all art. Why shame others for things that don’t matter in real life??? It’s so frustrating.


If you also noticed this happening. You’re not alone and you’re not losing your mind. This is a real sad thing happening in fandom.

This article explains it perfectly!!! It makes perfect sense. I was like what is going ON recently. Now I know what’s happening. Such a shame tho.
