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I literally couldn’t enjoy this chapter because I won’t be able to enjoy any spicy cha...

Tia the Terrorist May 29, 2024 12:33 am

I literally couldn’t enjoy this chapter because I won’t be able to enjoy any spicy chapter until I’m given firm confirmation that he’s not going to try to have sex with Ken because that’s so gross and icky and I just feel like the author Is going to try to write it in such a way that the audience might be OK with it. like maybe ken consents to something that isn’t fully sex, but is still sexual but he ends up not liking it and they part unlikely friends(?!) but I will never be OK with it. In fact, I will be dropping it immediately. And it’s not like it’s Moral high ground I’ve read placebo I liked it, but It’s the principal and Verckie has always given weird creepy grape energy to me. And one of his arms is a cigarette stub
