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For those who read novel I wanna ask few questions please : 1. Did Ido & Sejin married...

Shutup! June 16, 2024 5:48 pm

For those who read novel I wanna ask few questions please :
1. Did Ido & Sejin married in previous life or just engaged?
2. In this life it was kwon ido who asked for engagement, but what happened in previous life? There's no need group as big as ido's company to enter engagement with smaller company such as Haeshin?
3. Why did Ido hate Sejin so much in previous life? While knowing Sejin wasn't even treated well in his own family?
4. Why Ido knows many favorite of Sejin (white color, tea time, green house, flowers, novel preference, perfume preference, clothing size, even Sejin heat cycle)? Ido hated Sejin in previous life, how did he know so much?

    Rei June 16, 2024 6:25 pm

    Warning: don’t read if you don’t want spoiler! Sorry guys I appear often in the comment section, I’m just replying hikss. I recommend to read without any spoiler but I’ll tell if you really wish for it lol
    1. Married in first timeline
    2. It was Sejin’s father who proposed it in both timeline, Ido’s hidden intention to accept it in the first timeline was to acquire Haeshin, while in second timeline of course, redemption!
    3. Ido in past was massive asshole in general, he only cared about career and how to get Haeshin. Plus Sejin stole from Ido, snowballing everything.
    4. He picked along the way. White color tea time: probably a hunch. Green house flowers: mostly he got the info from his nephew who played with Sejin. Clothing size: Seonho asked before marriage in 1st timeline. Heat cycle: Ido remembered the date because it happened in past. Hope it answer your Qs!

    Shutup! June 16, 2024 7:11 pm
    Warning: don’t read if you don’t want spoiler! Sorry guys I appear often in the comment section, I’m just replying hikss. I recommend to read without any spoiler but I’ll tell if you really wish for it ... Rei

    Thank you so much. I'll ask more. When did ido hatred towards sejin turned into love? Was it after rape? Pregnancy? Or after sejin died?
    Was Sejin in love with ido in previous life?

    Sugarhoneyicedtea June 16, 2024 8:01 pm
    Thank you so much. I'll ask more. When did ido hatred towards sejin turned into love? Was it after rape? Pregnancy? Or after sejin died? Was Sejin in love with ido in previous life? Shutup!


    They loved each other in the past but because of their actions (sejin stealing from ido, sejin being raped by idos brother cause ido thought sejin consented, basically they were both fucking dumb) they misunderstood each other a lot and ido didn't really realise his feelings til sejin killed himself

    Rei June 16, 2024 8:11 pm
    Thank you so much. I'll ask more. When did ido hatred towards sejin turned into love? Was it after rape? Pregnancy? Or after sejin died? Was Sejin in love with ido in previous life? Shutup!

    Spoiler warning again hereeee. Ok my explanation next gonna be like TMI but whatever lol. Don’t proceed if you don’t wanna see me preaching detailed breakdown haha
    Hmm it wasn’t actually clear, but if I can interpret, it was way long before. From the first meeting, Ido was already intrigued by Sejin’s personality, I think the turning point was when they had first kiss while learning french. That’s why when Sejin stole from Ido, Ido felt so betrayed. By the time the damned rape happened, Ido was at the stage not afraid to show his obsession (or love lol) in twisted way. After the rape and before the pregnancy news, Ido started to realize his method to handle Sejin was wrong as Sejin fell into deep depression. Ido’s guilt skyrocketed around that time. Man, money can’t always buy happiness… Was Sejin loved Ido? Idk honestly, at some point probably yes, but Sejin’s emotion in 1st TL was more focused on his insecurities, afraid no one wants him and get thrown away.

    Shutup! June 17, 2024 1:24 am
    Spoiler....... They loved each other in the past but because of their actions (sejin stealing from ido, sejin being raped by idos brother cause ido thought sejin consented, basically they were both fucking dumb... Sugarhoneyicedtea

    Thanks. Tbh ido thought sejin consent to his brother was super dumb. Dude won't ran away if he consent

    Shutup! June 17, 2024 1:24 am
    Spoiler warning again hereeee. Ok my explanation next gonna be like TMI but whatever lol. Don’t proceed if you don’t wanna see me preaching detailed breakdown haha..Hmm it wasn’t actually clear, but if I ... Rei

    Thanks so much