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The side couple makes me ANGRY

Jay June 28, 2024 1:04 am

Okay so I really do understand that Seungho did something bad and I'm not saying he should've been forgiven, HOWEVER he was healing and going to therapy, and instead of getting with someone who actually treated him like a human being and quite clearly cared for him (his manager), he ends up with Doyoon, who not only took advantage of the fact that Seungho was trying to get his attention and was clearly being self destructive, but used that to verbally and physically abuse him. Not only that but he KNEW that Seungho was spiteful towards MC (sorry forgor his name ) and he knew he could've SAID something not only before the first incident but the second one too, and he purposely didn't say anything because he wanted an outlet for his anger and desires. That's not even addressing the fact that they're step brothers and the pseudo incest is weird enough but also the PEDOPHILIA? Like I really do get that intrusive thoughts are uncontrollable right, and they clarified that it was a 'crying kink' but for Doyoon to then assume it means he must have a crush on the CHILD? Is not only insane but what's more insane is that he groomed him as he grew up into not only ignoring his unresolved PTSD but also believing that he was someone he could rely on while he was the common denominator behind LITTERALLY everything that's gone wrong in the story thus far. I'm sorry I'm yapping but if you could not tell I really hate Doyoon and the fact that he not only got Seungho back but we're meant to believe he'll suddenly treat him right after verbally and physically mistreating him for years and letting him believe they a literal CHILD was his competitor is WILD.
