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Exactly!!! Go Inwoo!

aJ_13th June 30, 2024 5:28 am

See, I get Inwoo! No matter what, your parent is supposed to love you & it's only natural to come to hate them when they've abandoned you to an abuser AS A CHILD. But Jiho just could never come to hate his own father, even if now he might be trying but I would have hated having to hide myself from them in the first place. (I do hate them for having to hide myself from them, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE YOUR KID EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT PICTURE PERFECT CISHET.)

Inwoo has a point here; Jiho doesn't love himself enough to not hate anyone who doesn't love him as they're supposed to unconditionally love him. But in Inwoo's case here, miss ma'am could have come back or could have taken Inwoo with her since the very beginning anyway and still had the fucking nerve to come & go as she pleases, keep up on his work but never ONCE contacted him nor even apologized! Tf you thought, he had it good? Jfc-
