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Need help finding title

werewolf9790 June 30, 2024 9:08 am

I read a webtoon ages back ( pretty sure it was Chinese) and the uke pretended to a girl to get a job? And the seme from the beginning interacted with uke and cross-dressed uke and thought that uke had a sister? So not sure if this was a school/ university setting or company setting? But I remember this one chanter where seme saw uke’s real hair peaking out of his wig while uke was unconscious on a couch. And further down seme discovers that uke is a boy and boom there’s drama and uke thinks that seme hates but seme is just conflicted?

    no. 1 firefly fan June 30, 2024 10:49 am

    not sure abt the other details but here's the only manhua that I could think of

    no. 1 firefly fan June 30, 2024 10:52 am
    not sure abt the other details but here's the only manhua that I could think of no. 1 firefly fan

    the only basis of this is the "chinese" part and company setting. I don't remember that much abt its plot but I do remember that he was able to get the job bc he cross-dressed (I think he was kinda forced to do so)

    werewolf9790 June 30, 2024 11:55 am
    the only basis of this is the "chinese" part and company setting. I don't remember that much abt its plot but I do remember that he was able to get the job bc he cross-dressed (I think he was kinda forced to do... no. 1 firefly fan

    Thanks for the update but this is not the one. I’m not really sure if the manhwa I’m talking about was in a company setting or university/ school one I read it years back