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I don't get why sasya gets so much hate. Obviously he's not a Saint but Karel isn't either...

Gabby404 July 2, 2024 12:09 am

I don't get why sasya gets so much hate. Obviously he's not a Saint but Karel isn't either. The real enemy here is the situation they were both put into. People can't easily be categorized as good or bad. Sure this story sets me on edge but I like how I have come to love everything that makes the characters them including their flaws and vices ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Epsilon July 2, 2024 5:47 am

    It’s been so long since I read previous chapters, what did Sasya do that was so bad again

    Bananas July 2, 2024 10:46 am
    It’s been so long since I read previous chapters, what did Sasya do that was so bad again Epsilon

    i think he didn’t wait for Karel apparently when he was fighting in the war but bro was told he was dead ( not sure abt this )

    Gabby404 July 2, 2024 10:54 am
    It’s been so long since I read previous chapters, what did Sasya do that was so bad again Epsilon

    Also I'm not sure if I remember correctly because it's been a while for me too. But sasya really did think that Karel left him first. At the time sasya wasn't really mentally stable and then he was almost r*ped. When he killed the soldier who tried to harm him, I think it was too much to bear and so he dissociated and believed that he didn't kill the soldier. That was why when Karel took the blame for sasya, sasya was truly shocked and saddened because he really thought he didn't kill the soldier. This was where the terrible misunderstandings. I still remember the hurt looks on sasya and Karel's faces ┗( T﹏T )┛