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Don't forget that Yasushi blackmailed Nakano into sex (i.e what Arisaka Jin did). If Nakan...

Classic victim blaming. December 30, 2017 2:53 pm

Don't forget that Yasushi blackmailed Nakano into sex (i.e what Arisaka Jin did). If Nakano isn't in love with Yasushi this story would be absolutely tragic. Disappointed to see most comments are about Nakano cheating. It's not such a black and white matter when you have a emotionally fucked up individual whose morals are thrown out the window when he survived rape after rape as a kid. That's bound to really mentally mess up anyone. It's four chapters long, with each chapter way longer than the average, and depicting how the emotionally damaged Nakano tries to find his way back to recovery and people are choosing to fume over Nakano's 'cheating'.

    natsuhi December 14, 2018 3:30 am

    Exactly and I wouldn’t call it cheating. He was practically forced into it. If that’s what y’all call cheating then ok. Like did y’all even read the story before this one???

    Jesss December 7, 2019 11:05 am

    except in the end he told the guy to reveal the truth. why not tell the truth from the beginning? his first instinct was to betray his partner. he should have just told him the truth. everyones talking about the uke not valuing himself, but he didnt value his bf. he slept with him after sleeping with another guy.

    OldtakuNoFujoshi February 15, 2020 2:28 am
    except in the end he told the guy to reveal the truth. why not tell the truth from the beginning? his first instinct was to betray his partner. he should have just told him the truth. everyones talking about th... Jesss

    I come across other manga of this sensei and see your comment which I agree with you so much. Nakano is willing to do anything to keep his secret even it's meant to betray, cheat, and humiliate his own bf. His way of thinking is very illogical and way too idiocy. To say he got blackmailed isn't quite right either. To be exact, he got threated to reveal his past to his bf, that's it. Nakano has many ways to deal with this but he choose to cheat on his bf, betray his love, and humiliate him by sucking another guy's dick in front of his bf while he's sleeping!!!. To say more, Nakano hadn't been raped by Yasushi, but got threated to have consent sex with him..including sucking that guy's dick. The decision to have sex, sucking that guy, it's all Nakao's. If I have to straight out the incidents, reasons here, it will be too long of comment. Choosing to fuck and suck another guy while your bf's sleeping, getting sick near you, is the ultimate humiliate and betray I could see even it's this genre. To cover the past by doing something more dirty in the present, knowing the other party untrustful what's that even for ? It won't change the past. Nakano's not a little kid, been through too much should learn something and smart up a little bit. Can't he? He's the type willing to cheat on his bf better than talking to him. Being an uke, right but he's also a man too, any pride? He doesn't have faith in his bf at all. Jin, his bf, can't guard Nakano's ass all the time.
    I noticed this sensei has bunch of rape scenes, forced sex, gang her manga. It's more like rape fetish. Spoil,.....
    Yasushi's story, after he threated Nakano into having sex, sucking him. He got raped, gang bang few times in his own story. I can't find the enjoyment from reading the stories.

    Whyisthishappening November 17, 2020 4:58 pm
    I come across other manga of this sensei and see your comment which I agree with you so much. Nakano is willing to do anything to keep his secret even it's meant to betray, cheat, and humiliate his own bf. His... OldtakuNoFujoshi

    Amen. The uke shouldn't fully be justified.

    natsuhi November 17, 2020 7:19 pm
    I come across other manga of this sensei and see your comment which I agree with you so much. Nakano is willing to do anything to keep his secret even it's meant to betray, cheat, and humiliate his own bf. His... OldtakuNoFujoshi

    Idk if ur a troll or if u truly believe whatever the fuck u just said but everything u said if I were to use ur words "illogical and way too idiocy". "Threaten" to have consent sex...... Wtf did u read what u wrote?????? If ur consenting to sex u don't need to be "threaten" to have sex. The seme raped the uke. How the uke gonna trust the seme 100% if that's how they started????? The rapist threaten to reveal his past. Threaten! Keyword here: threaten. That is a blackmail. Do u even know what blackmail means?!?!?!!!!! N no the uke's first instinct was not to "betray" his boyfriend. It was to protect himself!!!!! His fucken current boyfriend is a rapist who raped him.

    Uke is only with him because of "yaoi plot". Uke having mental issues from being a rape victim. Social problems from being a homo. There is so many things going on and now he has this other rapist threatening to tell ppl he was a "murder" and the uke himself believes in that.

    Now let's see if that rapist (seme) got a hold of even more damaging and possibly career threatening information, what would he do? We don't know. The uke doesn't know. We as the readers only know the seme is "truly" in love with the uke atm but does the uke? who knows? Even the female cousin is telling uke he's being with him cuz the uke surely seduced him.

    Yea Nakano is not a little kid anymore. That's how he know how fucked up ppl r n u never really know what someone is thinking. Exactly he's been thru too much so now he's mentally broken. Wtf u mean be smart about it. How the fuck he gonna be smart about it if it freaks him out the most.

    N how the fuck does being a man have to do with anything about pride???? U mean as a human being? Right but now let's go back again. Nakano is a rape victim. Rape victim to his current fucken boyfriend! His pride?? It's to fucken survive ok. Jin don't need to be guarding his fucken ass all the time. He just needs to be there for him. Nakano was finally able to trust his boyfriend in the end which is why he was ok with the douchebag telling his boyfriend everything. Showing that Nakano was able to grow n heal a little.

    Whyisthishappening November 18, 2020 12:19 am
    Idk if ur a troll or if u truly believe whatever the fuck u just said but everything u said if I were to use ur words "illogical and way too idiocy". "Threaten" to have consent sex...... Wtf did u read what u w... natsuhi

    Nakano should have left the relationship then. The moment he was raped he should have packed his bag and left, instead he stayed and cheated because he didn't feel comfortable. He cheated in order to protect himself, that's still cheating. He just had a reason for cheating. I don't get why people keep saying it's not cheating or don't focus on the cheating because that's not the point, but clearly it's a big part in the plot. The point is Nakano cheated in order to protect himself from the past. Whether that's good or bad is up to the person but in my opinion, both sides were wrong. Nakano isn't justified from everything (tho he isn't the only one to blame either).

    natsuhi November 18, 2020 1:27 am
    Nakano should have left the relationship then. The moment he was raped he should have packed his bag and left, instead he stayed and cheated because he didn't feel comfortable. He cheated in order to protect hi... Whyisthishappening

    You clearly don't know know about victims.

    When abused and taken advantage of like Nakano, a person's self worth is destroyed. Nakano is mentally unstable. Self explanatory the fact that he is in a relationship with his rapist. Let alone the fact that he is a gay man and that society has deemed homosexual of ever being able to find actual "love".

    He did not cheat! He was raped! I don't understand why do y'all keep saying he cheated when he was raped. Yes it's a very big part of the story. To show how hurt Nakano is. To show how much he doesn't value himself. How tormented he is to believe his "lover" (rapist boyfriend) should leave him if he ever knew about his past. To think the only happiness he thought he might have found would be destroyed. (Happiness with a rapist becuz no one else would love a "damaged" good like him and obviously per society gays can't have happiness).

    Yes do focus on that. Focus very hard because it was rape! Focus on how and why Nakano wanted stay with his lover even if it meant killing himself (mentally and being hurt physically) even more. Can't Nakano wish for happiness too? He wants it. N it's sad that he thought and believe the seme would leave him if his past was revealed. If the seme, did fuck him! But thankfully the author made it so the seme still loves him.

    There no point in justifying Nakano becuz what is there to justify???? He didn't cheat. He was RAPED. And he was raped in school before meeting the seme. Nakano is most likely confused that gay relationship must come with rape and that someone like him can only have such a love. So how the heck is he supposed to just up and freaken leave???? If all victims could do that, damn how much less toxic relationship would be have today.

    Many yaoi author used to think the same in which case is why u see so much rape trope in yaoi. Lots of them thought rape= love. Heck even some heterosexual ppl think that.

    Whyisthishappening November 18, 2020 5:24 am
    You clearly don't know know about victims. When abused and taken advantage of like Nakano, a person's self worth is destroyed. Nakano is mentally unstable. Self explanatory the fact that he is in a relationship... natsuhi

    My point is his boyfriend is also a rapist. The story ended as a happy ending but in real life, it probably wouldn't be that happy. Nakano should find real happiness AWAY from everyone in this situation. I also think Nakano deserves happiness but not in the way he did it. I don't like how Nakano tried to stay and thought he had to do it by betraying his partner. I think he should have left and found someone who won't rape him at all. In my opinion, Nakano also made bad choices, he shouldn't simply be justified from everything because he is a victim. I know victims in abusive relationships struggle to leave because of the honeymoon phase but it has to be done. Nakano already experienced rape before, when his current boyfriend raped him it should have been an immediate red flag to leave, yet he didn't. He wanted to stay and thought the only way it could be done was to cheat on his boyfriend. That is what I disagree with Nakano choice.

    We will have different opinions about this and that's that. Oh well.

    Whyisthishappening November 18, 2020 5:37 am
    My point is his boyfriend is also a rapist. The story ended as a happy ending but in real life, it probably wouldn't be that happy. Nakano should find real happiness AWAY from everyone in this situation. I also... Whyisthishappening

    Our definition of cheating is different which is why we have different perspectives on this, I say he cheated because to me, if you have sexual interactions or feelings for someone else, it's cheating. To me, Nakano did have a reason to cheat but he did cheat. He rather use his body then reveal his past, which to me is still cheating. I'm not saying Nakano is wrong for thinking that, just to me that is still cheating. Nakano isn't fully to blame for his actions but that doesn't mean I have to like and pity every he did.