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YunikonNiji February 25, 2018 7:43 am

Im glad for this couple, but I myself would never be able to have this kind of relationship. I come from a family where my dad cheated on my mom and destroyed our family. To this day, theyre still together, but he wasnt guilty about the incident and would probably so it again. This traumatized me and pushed me to be completely monogamous, so when I come across manga like this I feel very depressed.

And also, I understand that some people are ok with their partners having sex with others for their job, but when the partner doing porn gets jealous I get infuriated. Like boi your partner is so understanding, yet you think you have the right to stop him even though you yourself was fucking someone else 10 minutes ago.

Again this is my just opinion so theres no need to try to enforce your opinions on me by justifying porn actors.

    shizuka June 5, 2018 1:16 am

    I totally agree with you. We are in similiar situations so I myself too cannot have this kind of thing.