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It figures ...

Asami-san's lover April 13, 2018 11:57 pm

To see a professional man/woman dedicate him(her)self to his(her) Boss, going through absolute torture bc he(she) doesn't give a toss about his(her) feelings, is ... old news I guess ...
What I mean is, this type of thing isn't new in the corporate world, and the elites are no different from an ordinary office with ordinary salarymen/women who have to deal with this type of situation every day ... Ian is just like Chiharu or Kaoru - manipulative, selfish and rather cruel in the end. Manabu fell into Ian's clutches and stuck with it for 4 years before Ian was made aware of his feelings. Kaoru somehow helped him by being a total bitch and ramming the situation down Ian's throat, who as usual, was totally clueless - still wasn't enough though. Manabu was simply a convenient bother. So he put up with him - also he missed having good coffee at the office... It needed a jealous jolt down his thongs to waken Ian up and demand Manabu never to sleep with other men bc he wouldn't be able to take it ...
Putting all this aside, Ian's bare body seen from the back, at the beginning of the story when Manabu goes to wake him up, is simply yummy ... I love his hair too - but then I always had a thing for blondes ... ;)

    Peach December 5, 2019 12:57 pm

    You could have just used 'their' instead of writing he(she) for 10 times..

    Asami-san's lover December 10, 2019 2:14 am
    You could have just used 'their' instead of writing he(she) for 10 times.. Peach

    You're right ! Oh my ... lol