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I always wished to know what Shima would do if Togawa had sighed and said: 'Maybe I should...

Anonymous April 16, 2018 12:44 pm

I always wished to know what Shima would do if Togawa had sighed and said: 'Maybe I should" and walked away in response to Shima's 'Maybe you should date someone who does that for you".
Togawa would not be talking seriously, only feeling defeated but I wanted to see Shima running after him just once. Everybody loves to feel desired and cherished and being with someone who always behave distant must put a strain on a relationship. Calling by first name, wiping the mouth after kiss.... such small things to do when Togawa has shown he can give up things he likes ( drinking, smoking). Shima seems the type who self sabotage his own happiness. It wouldn't hurt to smile and show just a tiny bit more of affection for his man.

    Ice March 26, 2024 7:50 pm

    tbh cut him some slack imo he'll come around when he feels comfortable and I don't think togawa san minds much what shima went through really explains it all but oh well

    Sorry for not using punctuation didn't feel like it