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Takucchi May 15, 2018 8:26 pm

I seriously love cats, like LOVE, LOVE them. Like I'd imagine myself living my aromantic life with my kitties.

But I'm allergic.

    catlover May 16, 2018 1:51 am

    same here TT^TT it's just terrible

    Lady Earthly May 16, 2018 3:59 am

    I love, LOVE cats to and I'm allergic to them to. I'm lucky with my allergies though because all I have to do is make sure I give my cats a bath every couple a months and I'm fine. On the other hand if I walk into an animal shelter, I walk out with my face covered in hives. But I just love the little devils.

    Stupide-Renard May 16, 2018 7:06 am

    I understand how you feel. I love cats and have four at home. (plus 6 who stay in my garden because I feed them) I am allergic too, I can't really pet them for too long or let them sleep on my bed but I think my cats understand. When I'm finished touching them, I just need to wash my hands well before touching my face, and I have pills for the itchings. There's always a way ! But the fact that you like them is enough. (sorry for my poor english, hope you understood)

    공원 October 27, 2019 7:37 pm

    I'm also allergic but I still cuddle with my cats! I even pet stray cats. I sneeze non-stop afterwards but I get better after a day, my family loves cats too ..