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I did like it but

Amorim March 26, 2019 5:29 pm

Im sorry but I really feel like supporters of porn star relationships dont get the point. It doesnt particularly matter whether its scripted or not. Hence the reason why even the most seasoned actors often recuse themselves from taking roles with saucy scenes at or around marriage. Lying on someone naked, is still Lying on someone naked. Plus the amount of costars who end up cheating on their partners with each other? And all it takes is a few Kiss scenes; imagine when putting your dick in. Not all orgasms in porn are fake and there have been psychological tests that prove that any kind of sexual intimacy can lead to deeper feelings. Plus taking out any rational aspect from this equation, lets Just get down to emotion here. Every Day you come home to your boyfriend having banged 1-5 different chicks. Trying a bunch of different plays he never tried with you. Whispering a bunch of i love yous to multiple different women. Not being able to get it up with you tonight because he already came 4 times with someone else and hes spent. Id honestly like to see a show of hands here of Who would sign up for that. I sure as fuck wouldnt. So is it fine that the uke did? Of course, do what makes you happy. Is it also fine to be dissappointed with the fact that he continued on this path considering what we know about jealousy and human nature and how often non-monogamous relationships have success? Also yes.
