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man i needed more of all the stories. esp kamiya x koma!!! i wanted to see a happy ending...

kitteh January 6, 2014 11:05 am

man i needed more of all the stories. esp kamiya x koma!!! i wanted to see a happy ending, but it definitely felt unfinished. gahh!! DX i liked the first story, but still, totally couldve used sommore. the last one...well kazu is just selfish. taking your lover away, trying to hide him away from the world? how is that love? that's like possessing an object. almost like imprisonment, even tho yousuke liked it there and all, but to have him hide the location from his friends? weird. creepy. i wanted there to be a better conclusion, or at least a part where kazu voiced that he was going to change his way of thinking, cuz only then would they have a happy, healthy relationship. have faith in yousuke. he's with you for a reason! it should've ended with a nice, proper lover's talk, and then some steamy sex. yea
