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90% of the people here haven't heard of Prosopagnosia yet you criticize the author bec. you can GOOGLE?

annehime June 24, 2019 2:30 am

Some people all suddenly are med students or "doctors" just because you know how to use Google and now criticizing the author that what she's writing is impossible? and cliche (how)?Get off your high horses. Unexpected recoveries in science are rare but they do happen. diseases have their own personality, and once in a while, a disease that’s usually bad behaves in a more indolent fashion. Doctors don't use the word miracles but mysterious recoveries do happen.
Even cancer patients survive 10-15 years even if the doctor said they only have 3 months to live. The ignorance of these people criticizing the storyline are highlighted because they had a taste of GOOGLE. Wow. Intellectuals... Huh.
