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noodle legs

Lærke January 21, 2020 12:02 pm

imagine how underdeveloped and weak her legs are. i keep think "stretch girl!! stretch!!!!" boy i wonder if she can even straigthen out her legs anymore god dammit why does this have to bother me

    Tete February 7, 2020 12:38 pm

    Going by real world, they probably make her do space excercises for astronauts to keep their legs working since she's anti gravity/ low gravity and scientists were taking care of her.

    Smockat February 21, 2020 2:31 am

    Her researchers should have made her do physical therapy like how paralytics don’t lose bone mass because someone stresses their bones to strengthen them

    hey Hey HEEYYYY June 2, 2020 11:47 pm

    I mentally cringed when I saw her walking for the first time. Like, boi - are ur legs ok? Shouldn't there be more than just getting tired from walking?