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Someone said the first seme (Iisei) should be punished more, but his mistake was lending m...

It was cute November 8, 2014 7:44 am

Someone said the first seme (Iisei) should be punished more, but his mistake was lending money (from a joint savings) to his ex without telling his current lover (Ei). He didn't sleep with his ex though, so I think he was punished enough when Ei left him for a few days and stayed with another hot guy. Hot guy kisses Ei and gives him a hickey - I think Iisei had enough punishment. The good thing about this is now they know better to talk things out, especially Iisai. All relationships have times of learning. As for the second story...people change over time, they mature and become totally different from when they were kids. At a reunion of mine, I saw people I hated from back in high school. As adults they had changed for the better. Others didn't though. :)

    CassSprinkle July 3, 2017 8:37 am

    Though you shouldn't take 10,000 dollars out of your JOINT bank account. I believe he should have been yells at about that. I agree with the rest.

    CassSprinkle July 3, 2017 8:38 am
