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I don't see why everyone seems to want to hate Makoto. His not a cheater because a cheater...

Anonymous November 21, 2014 10:25 pm

I don't see why everyone seems to want to hate Makoto. His not a cheater because a cheater is someone that is being dishonest about who he is and what he's doing. When he's fooling around with multiple people they all are in the know. Then when we get the back story with Nanno, it really seems like he's the pot calling the kettle black, especially since he was the one who wanted to just be sex buddies in the first place. Makoto isn't a bad person at all.

    Some Danish Chick June 25, 2015 9:27 pm

    I completely agree that Makoto isn't a bad person. Sure, he's a little slutty, but he stopped that when he fell in love. And he hasn't cheated on anyone, because he was never in a relationship. Until he met Ryou. But I still feel bad for Nanno though. I wish he could have had a more happy ending

    Natsuna August 12, 2015 7:13 pm

    If you read the DJ, you'd find out that Makoto later on cheated on Ryou while he was drunk. But, I agree with you guys about Makoto and Nanno. Makoto made it known that he was in an open relationship with Nanno, so he wasn't cheating at the time.