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Tadashi-san September 30, 2020 5:20 pm

It's not really a theory, but I think that he's gonna die and Taehyun is gonna transform him in a vampire.
Hajin's probably not gonna feel betrayed because Taehyun like's Black-haired-protagonist-that-I-forgot-the-name (lol), but he's gonna feel betrayed, because Taehyun was the one to transform Hajin's boyfriend into a vampire.
I think that Hajin's probably gonna do something about Jaehyuk's behavior too.... But I'm not sure about how he's gonna do it....
That's just so messed up omg

    mushicka September 30, 2020 5:30 pm

    That would be really cool if he got transformed i think !

    Tadashi-san September 30, 2020 5:44 pm
    That would be really cool if he got transformed i think ! mushicka

    Yeah! But at the same time it would also be sad and troublesome. Hajin and Black-haired-guy talked about that before, but I think that they didn't made a concrete choice about the topic (sadly, I don't remember too well what they said and I'm too lazy right now to search lmao)

    Tadashi-san September 30, 2020 7:26 pm
    Yeah! But at the same time it would also be sad and troublesome. Hajin and Black-haired-guy talked about that before, but I think that they didn't made a concrete choice about the topic (sadly, I don't remember... Tadashi-san

    I found the raws guys늪의_나락_후기.html
    There's nothing to do with what I said, but I gave a try. Also... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT WITH TAEHYUN?!?? WAS THAT A FUCKING LOVE TRIANGLE?!?!?

    That was kinda cute lol. Loved it.