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I've noticed this a lot in different manga's but do other countries really believe Americans give a kiss on...

Sasunarufan March 25, 2015 8:11 am

I've noticed this a lot in different manga's but do other countries really believe Americans give a kiss on the lips as a greeting?? Cause I would flip the hell out if someone did that to me!

    Shinobi12 March 25, 2015 10:20 am

    i think its just more that kissing is less of a big deal here? like even saying i love you for them is huge but it can sometimes be very casual over here. but itd definelty something to think about XD like pda in america isnt always that big a deal, but you would never kiss someone in public over there.

    lemon June 5, 2015 6:06 am

    I lived in America for two years and I never see they kiss on lips for greating. Usually on cheeks or they just touch cheek to cheek.

    Anonymous September 8, 2015 3:57 am
    i think its just more that kissing is less of a big deal here? like even saying i love you for them is huge but it can sometimes be very casual over here. but itd definelty something to think about XD like pda ... Shinobi12

    Americans love everything... foods/clothes/kisses/sex/money... etc.... :XD
    Tell me if I'm wrong NE??? BUT we do say "love" on everything!!!! :XD

    WE LOVE YOU for many good manga!!!!

    Shinobi12 September 8, 2015 9:06 am
    I lived in America for two years and I never see they kiss on lips for greating. Usually on cheeks or they just touch cheek to cheek. @lemon

    i'm not saying we use it as a greeting. But we definitely kiss WAY more in public. Over there, you would naver kiss in public. So, not saying we use it as a greeting, just that public displays of affection arn't as taboo in america.

    Himeowchama January 28, 2018 11:01 am

    It's French I believe, and on the cheeks lol