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Luka April 17, 2015 5:08 pm

Under the 2nd story>>> I felt annoyed when the neighbor-san called his sex friend in Tokyo and had sex with that another boy just because he became frustrated of waiting for the happy, and always smiling boy's to also love hime back. So what's that??? What if the long battle continued? For sure he will still have sex with his sex friend AND what if the male protagonist didn't see them having sex? It just means that he'll continue to have sex with his sex friend right?? I don't like that kind of love though.. It is said that Love is Patient.! it is unhurried u know?!!

    Rosa April 17, 2015 6:48 pm

    I know! And I have the feeling that he would cheat at one point in the future.

    Luka April 18, 2015 5:45 am

    I don't like those kind of things.... I like the story wherein the seme is 100% devoted to the uke... The 2nd story might become wonderful if its not because of that... Just thinking of it again makes me annoyed..

    iamxrae October 21, 2015 7:12 am

    I don't like cheating or super slutty people, but the truth is, you can't expect a man to stop having sex even though he is in love with someone else - especially when he has clue if his love interest is also gay like him, or will accept him in that way. It was just too bad that Akito

    iamxrae October 21, 2015 7:44 am
    I don't like cheating or super slutty people, but the truth is, you can't expect a man to stop having sex even though he is in love with someone else - especially when he has clue if his love interest is also g... iamxrae

    Whoops, accidentally posted. Anyway, it was too bad that Akito had to find out about his feelings after walking in on them having sex. It bothers us sensitive readers to see our ukes get hurt. In our perfect yaoi world, the seme would have at least stayed celibate until he confessed and/or found out how Akito felt about him, and until then vented his frustration with his hands and imagination.