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I go by once a cheater always a cheater. The seme should've thrown out Midori and The UKE ...

Baka girl May 2, 2015 3:05 am

I go by once a cheater always a cheater. The seme should've thrown out Midori and The UKE and find someone better and make them regret.

    Anonymous June 14, 2015 5:07 am

    IKR!!! or at least that the uke would work harder to heal the seme- or gain, catch... whatever (not that he was "trusted" so he coudn´t regain any previous trust)...and Midori... I don´t like him, even if the character is realistic and very much "human"

    Anonymous June 14, 2015 6:36 pm

    If you think about it, it's not like Tetsu really did it at his own will. Sure, he may have consented to Midori wanting to mess up their relationship, but really, Tetsu was being earnest in not trying to create trouble. He felt bad for Midori and at the same time also the fact that he's the seme's beloved. You're pinning the label of "cheater" on him when they're not even going out. We can say that it's like they have that kind of a relationship but in this case, Tetsu isn't even a cheater. You just want to pin the label on him and say he really did it out of purpose.

    Anonymous June 14, 2015 9:10 pm
    If you think about it, it's not like Tetsu really did it at his own will. Sure, he may have consented to Midori wanting to mess up their relationship, but really, Tetsu was being earnest in not trying to creat... @Anonymous

    It´s true that he´s not a cheater, but in this case I´m not so sure you can not say he didn´t do sth along those lines. He has lived a good deal of things in life and he knows I won´t say right from wrong because that´s almost useless, but a lot of pain. If he decided to accept the seme so that he won´t be abandoned (and cause trouble with a friend) and let Midori live there (because it was him insisting), wasn´t any other way? ...even after the first time... a second one? I think it was pretty clear that the seme was feeling down but was´t able to pinch what it was exactly. Anyway... I would like it much more that even if the seme was in love with Tetsu and Tetsu needed him -in any sense-, He would work a little bit harder

    Baka girl June 23, 2015 4:23 am
    If you think about it, it's not like Tetsu really did it at his own will. Sure, he may have consented to Midori wanting to mess up their relationship, but really, Tetsu was being earnest in not trying to creat... @Anonymous

    Sure they weren't dating but he was well aware of the semes feelings, they were even sleeping together. He was unsure if his feelings and before trying to sort it out he sleeps with someone else.

    Kjirkoh November 10, 2015 2:11 am

    If you read/watch clearly, Midori literally forced Tetsu. Tetsu is a bit of spaced out type and seems to not realize he was victimized/abused. In fact this is the only part I didn't liked from this manga, Tetsu's assault was portrayed like it was nothing, and was presented like blame the victim. comments here are blaming him for infidelity when he was sexually assaulted :( (sadly in real life in pathetic Japan rape/sexual assault/sexual harrasment victims aren't taken seriously in their legal system and society seems to overlook these crimes :/ and if they are gay it's worst). glad Kouhei or whatever his name stopped the second assault but sadly the blame the victim crap presents and he was blamed for infidelity and thrown out :/.

    Kjirkoh November 10, 2015 2:37 am
    If you read/watch clearly, Midori literally forced Tetsu. Tetsu is a bit of spaced out type and seems to not realize he was victimized/abused. In fact this is the only part I didn't liked from this manga, Tetsu... Kjirkoh

    I re read the manga. correction: Kouhei didn't stopped the assault. (I read the manga at 4 am without my glasses), he stepped in while Tetsu's was assaulted. Midori sexually assaulted Tetsu twice >.<

    iamxrae February 29, 2016 6:52 am

    I agree. And Miyamoto Kano drills this in almost all of her stories - repeat cheaters and the like. If I see a manga by Miyamoto Kano, I know it's most likely going to have some kind of cheating in it. I love her few manga that don't, and the second story in this one is on my "good - no cheating" list.

    I also agree with you that Tetsu was aware of Kouhei's feelings, and should not have given in to Midori out of respect for Kouhei.

    lll March 13, 2016 6:54 am

    I agree with you 100%!! I think that tetsu should work harder..he got through too easy and kouhei should stand up to his Pride!!!!! Is the seme crazy or what!! He let them get through too easy!!!! He should make them jealous n more. He let down himself n that is really lame!!

    ¥401 January 15, 2017 9:21 am
    If you read/watch clearly, Midori literally forced Tetsu. Tetsu is a bit of spaced out type and seems to not realize he was victimized/abused. In fact this is the only part I didn't liked from this manga, Tetsu... Kjirkoh

    although i greatly dislike midori forcing tetsu, i agree that it could have been a lot better if it wasn't portrayed like it was nothing.

    reirei March 3, 2017 8:47 am
    If you read/watch clearly, Midori literally forced Tetsu. Tetsu is a bit of spaced out type and seems to not realize he was victimized/abused. In fact this is the only part I didn't liked from this manga, Tetsu... Kjirkoh

    but if we'll look at the time frame the "assualt" you're talking about, it really doesn't seems like rape to me. Aside from the fact that there is no resistance at all he himself admitted that they really did it which would imply that they did it with consent. and as for the time frame, they did it the first time when Kohei was away for 3 days for business trip and Tetsu was apparently very lonely at that time. isn't just the usual route?