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Way better that the prequel. With a more likable seme (Moridono is soooo sexy!) and a stor...

aerslevdi June 12, 2015 4:46 am

Way better that the prequel. With a more likable seme (Moridono is soooo sexy!) and a story line that makes more sense. And you can actually see that there is love between them.
Two things though. First, what a complete change the Steve here from the one in Dekiru Otoko! There he was more flamboyant (please take a look at that wardrobe!) And also he was way more candid. I prefer him here in Tsumetai Otoko.
Second, he is dense as a brick! "Oh he kissed me and said that he can't live without me but that it was very difficult. What on earth could he meant?" Really dude? Really? And it happens twice. JFC! Use the brain that you say you have at the beginning of each chapter for once in your life!

    Mameiha August 19, 2015 2:05 pm

    LMAO You kill me! You're showing that wonderfully biting sense of humor you have. Love it.

    aerslevdi August 20, 2015 3:32 am
    LMAO You kill me! You're showing that wonderfully biting sense of humor you have. Love it. Mameiha

    Hehe thanks! Glad someone enjoys my ramblings!

    Persephone July 26, 2016 8:04 am

    It's probably because Moridono is the opposite of Steve. Steve would relentlessly chase the ones he love that's why Moridono leaving him after kissing him doesn't compute, he's wondering if Moridono giving up on him.

    Andrine69 September 24, 2017 9:42 am

    Thought the same thing, that was just stupid