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i must admit it wasnt until i read the third chapter that things about ao and aki's comple...

fenni September 28, 2012 2:57 am

i must admit it wasnt until i read the third chapter that things about ao and aki's complete difference in personalities became clearer. still its a little confusing to rap your head around the ever changing sides to him...especially aki's personality. ao seems sweet and just wants to be loved.....its as if he is able to except what has happened and is trying his best to understand everyones feelings and desperate to feel wanted. even at the cost of losing , plus i think that aki needs to confront alot of his past and be more honest about what he realy feels inside. instead of putting on a brave front and sending off signals that clearly state that his mind would rather hate everything around him. its a hard one and i think deep inside sayuu maybe the only one to open aki's heart up. aki realy needs to let out a good cry and for once feel helpless. that way he can begin to take a step forward and take control of his future with TWO hands. xxx

    Fetish Love February 7, 2013 6:30 pm

    love the way you put it...i agree, yep, it's jsut sad that Aki & Ao can't live with each other peacefully and that Aki's basically killing Ao..... stupid Shiba-san can't tell teh differences between the two very much, can he? >:|

    Fetish Love February 7, 2013 6:33 pm

    i enjoyed this~ although it did play with my mind and i got confused between aki & ao (cuz it seemed at one point they switched or messed up on the translations, or maybe that's just me....) But it's a great read and different from the other mangas with a multiple personality character in it, i am really liking this & can't wait to find out how it all ends~ :P

    Fetish Love February 7, 2013 6:36 pm

    oh damn...the one below â ¯ß (@ 6:33) was supposed to be a comment, not a reply... B

    Guest ;) March 5, 2014 11:59 am

    Right on fenni!