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IOTR November 24, 2015 9:03 am

TRANSLATION OF THE SECOND HALF (actually there is a bit left so I'll post that tomorrow...) OF CHAPTER 3.

Tadashi asks, "You are Yuuta-san, right? Shinri often often mentioned you. [small text: "Can I sit here?"] Oh... Damn, I was really shocked to see his face turn so red for the first time." Yuuta, looking annoyed, says, "...Is that so? I often see it." Tadashi laughs, "Ahahaha, Is that right? It's like that? Aha." Yuuta thinks, "What am I doing... I'm deliberately being confrontational with him. Shinri's friends, I know mostly all of them.." Tadashi says, "Sure enough, in his heart/mind, you are special."

Yuuta goes, "Eh..?" Tadashi says, "Huh? Didn't you and Shinri go to the same high school? At that time, you helped him with his troubles, I always hear him speak of this." Yuuta says, "I don't know that kind of thing. Me and Shinri only met after starting university." Tadashi exclaims, "Eh! Seriously?! Really?!" Yuuta thinks, "How could that be? That kind of thing, Shinri never told me about." Tadashi goes, "Ah, really.. Since Shinri is always talking about you, I was sure. [or it could be "I wanted to confirm"]" Yuuta thinks, "So to speak, when we first met, Shinri seemed to know me." Yuuta asks Tadashi, "...Hey, about how I helped that guy, could you tell me about it in detail?"

Cut to the date now. The greet each other. Shinri says, "You didn't come back after such a long time, I wondered what you were doing. Ahaha, I'm lazy, the sunlight is so comfortable." Yuuta says, "Then I have to sit down, ah. It really is very warm." Shinri hums a bit. Yuuta says, "...I say, are you not good with associating with girls? Shinri's caught off-guard and Yuuta goes on, "Just now, I was listening what a guy called Tadashi had to say. Is it possible that the person you like could be a man?" Meanwhile Yuuta thinks to himself, "From Tadashi I was told this; afterward I was thinking.. if my intuition is right. [big text:] Shinri"

Yuuta asks, "Do you like me?" Seeing Shinri blush intensely, Yuuta thinks, "[big text:] Not Good...," but then he thinks, "We may be good together. I thought I would be restless with anxiety or feel uneasy about this, I could think over the consequences of this without end." [kinda like... if you keep thinking in circles you won't get anywhere] While thinking this, Yuuta says, "Me too! I-I'm telling you I also... like--" BUT HE GETS CUT OFF!! Shinri says, "Don't say another word. I hate this kind of joke/prank." He gets up, saying, "Sorry, ah, I think Yuuta should not say such things."

Yuuta, shocked, says, "Hey... [big text] Wait!" Meanwhile, he's thinking, "Why aren't we together?" Shinri says, "Yuuta, you already have someone you like. Yesterday you were walking together." Yuuta asks, "Yesterday?" then thinks of Shiraki-san and thinks, "Ah..." Shinri says, "I happened to see.. it must be that person, right? Yuuta's cherished one." Yuuta says, "No---" and trails off, "Though that person is very important to me. But he has someone he's dating. The person I really like is you."

Shinri says, "I don't want to hear it. Me, ah... In high school I was the main/ace of the basketball team. But before the final tournament I was injured. Although I can live a normal life, I can't play basketball. Even so, in front of the people around me I pretended nothing had happened/it wasn't an issue. After all, I was the person who regulated the atmosphere. If I become gloomy, then everyone would feel very depressed, right? At the that time, you came to talk to me."

Cue flashback scene. [I'm sorry, it's late once again so I'll translate the remaining pages of chapter 3 tomorrow...]
