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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ May 31, 2024 6:26 am

She aint even respecting the wish from the person she loved. The previous queen choose to save the baby knowing full well she would die, It was her choice. I see the duchess as more pety, she coudnt accept the decesead empress wish, become salty af, made the life of someone who had absoluting nothing to do with it a living hell and now is trying to bring back to life someone who died in peace, just because she coudnt accept her death.
The Duke is a piece of shit. He knew from the start that miss girlie hated the person he supposedly loved, was making her life miserable, yet he went out of his way to help her become more powerfull and now he acts like hes scared she will harm the empress, like bro, shes been harming the empress from the beggining and you know that damn well.
Also, the author really made the decesead empress name be Labia, I dont know if they didnt know the meaning or if that was to make obvious that they gay, but that is hilarious, I cant take that name seriously.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ May 8, 2024 11:40 pm

You know when you get the bad feeling you know where things are going? My guess is that she will give up the revenge for his sake, he's probably going to take over the revenge but will give up at some point, she probably will think it was all for nothing and want to go back to her world, he wont let and will confess his feelings, It will become some cliche "forget the revenge and lets be lovely dovey" instead and thats that. No revenge is acomplished, the crown princess stay the crown princess, yada yada, the end. Honestly, i hate when that happens, where they just give up the entire revenge plot and thats it, like the whole premise of the work wasnt the revenge or like the main character can't have the revenge and be happy and lovely dovey at the same time, they gotta picky one thing and thats it. It always feels cliche and unsatisfatory when these type of stories follow this path, because the whole point of these works was the revenge + happy end, not one or the other. Idk, maybe its just me, but It always feels a bit "meh" when it goes that way. This is all just guessing bc of the way its going, idk if she actually gets the revenge or not, its just that bad feeling that the revenge part of the plot will go away to focus on romance, like It happens in a lot of works with the same premise, i really hope thats not the case because the fl is such a badass and it was so good this far, It would be a complete waste to completly give up the revenge arc when we know she can have both, i mean look at her and tell me that she can't have the revenge and the happy lovely dovey end, you can't, because we all know she definitely can do both. Sorry for the rant Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Inkblot May 9, 2024 12:18 am

    My prediction is that Hestia will truly give up revenge for Kael’s sake, but - oh no! - Diana is going to be punished anyways because too much has happened for Helios to fix it all. So it’ll end up being a half-assed revenge, where Diana is ruined but not technically because of Hestia.

    And yeah, you can argue that Hestia’s character growth is realizing revenge is bad or whatever. But like you said, getting revenge was the PREMISE OF THE STORY. It’s such a cop-out to suddenly prevent Hestia from finishing what she started.

    Kooki989 May 9, 2024 12:20 am

    Honestly close enough but in the end Hess does get her happy ending along with her revenge to a certain level because they end up regretting it and apologizing to Kael. And losing a lot of power and support.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ May 9, 2024 12:40 am
    My prediction is that Hestia will truly give up revenge for Kael’s sake, but - oh no! - Diana is going to be punished anyways because too much has happened for Helios to fix it all. So it’ll end up being a ... Inkblot

    Completly agree with you, the character growth thing always feels like a cop out when It comes to those revenge stories. Also, unfortunaly, after reading Kooki reply It seems we're both right, it will end with a half assed revenge not exactly due to Hestia's but because to much happened for everyone to ignore, but hey, at least they have a happy ending.... (╯ ;–;)╯╧╧

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ May 9, 2024 12:44 am
    Honestly close enough but in the end Hess does get her happy ending along with her revenge to a certain level because they end up regretting it and apologizing to Kael. And losing a lot of power and support. Kooki989

    Thx for the info, I guess by now i read so manny on this trope and thats why i could see that coming, but hey at least they have a happy ending, thats good to know
    ヾ( •◡• )ノ~

    hoyeonie May 9, 2024 1:07 am
    Honestly close enough but in the end Hess does get her happy ending along with her revenge to a certain level because they end up regretting it and apologizing to Kael. And losing a lot of power and support. Kooki989

    Novel spoiler

    And Helios and Diana divorced. Helios married someone else and Diana was just a nurse to the emperor until he died then she left the palace. I was quite satisfied with the ending. Also hestia and kael have 3 kids

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ma boie July 13, 2021 10:18 pm

Bro your like invisible howd you do that

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ July 13, 2021 10:25 pm

I just don't want to be seen lmao

oofless June 29, 2021 12:33 pm

You are like one of those YouTube users/vids that has no name


ㅤ(They/Them | Autistic | 1998 | Brazilian)
       Just a bored lil spoiler wanting person,
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      going around. I just decided to delete the
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