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SharkBoii's experience ( All 1 )

SharkBoii 07 11,2020   1 reply
07 11,2020

SharkBoii's answer ( All 315 )

about question
When I was 12 I thought I was pregnant with the next baby Jesus. Like I'm dead serious. I would punch my stomach and cry every night thinking if my mom found out, she would kill me.   2 reply
2 days
about question
First form of media that actually made me tear up (which I rarely do) is Code Geass (Don't laugh ) season 2 literally wrecked me. Another anime that got CLOSE to making me cry was Zankyou No terror. It's 11 episode. But who said I cried? I don't cry. Crying is for the weak!   2 reply
10 days
BLACK HAZE! CRYING SOBBING, SOBBING CRYING. It was literally my all time favorite in Middle School and it was discontinued because the company fucked the author over with some contract BS. SOBBING!!! ( / T﹏T )/ It's been 7 years and I still think about this masterpiece!! I heard It's going to come back once the author finishes the current......   6 reply
10 days
Welcome back by the way~   1 reply
10 days

SharkBoii's question ( All 2 )

Both in stories and in general. (*ᴗˬᴗ)
13 11,2023
The one with the most votes will be titled 'King of Sex' and receive a Crown!
05 12,2020

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did explain a manga plot badly

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did explain a manga plot badly

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2 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

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2 hours