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Hotline want to do ( All 1 )

real life problems

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Hotline's answer ( All 137 )

It when everyone else except the fl an ml are 1000000× better than the two of them and when the author sees that everyone in the comments are shitting on the ml an fl so they make the other characters shitty too so you are forced to hate on everyone.   1 reply
25 05,2024
13 05,2024
bitches really b delusional. Like stop fighting me on why Idol A is 100 in a relationship with Idol B. Last time i check, you ain't step foot outside to even see what a real friendship is like. Ofc there will be instances where you'll be like "thats a lil sussy if i do say so myself", but like, bffr. It's the entertainment industry, they are gonna ......   2 reply
13 05,2024
about question
I— what do i even say boi   reply
10 05,2024
Nah. What are you saying. Like you know realize wha a plot is?? This is so fuckin dumb i ded   reply
10 05,2024

Hotline's question ( All 8 )

about question
YanDev gets canceled for texting with a minor.
I mean yeah its okay to text with a minor if there's nothing else going on, but you should not be treating them as your friend.
Like that doesn't make any sense. Come on people i thought we learnt something from Colleen Ballinger but ig all we learn from that is not to pull out a ukulele and sing a song about how you only groomed your cats and hiw tiny your back is. Or like Adam22. Im sure he got caught for dating a minor. Oh, famous example Onision.
I mean i wasn't a supporter of YanDev, but my GOD IS THIS MAN DUMB.
Well at least he didn't make a shitty yt vid where he crys, victim blames and sings. His apology gets a 6/10. Better than most I'd say. 1+ point cus at least he donated something to RAINN. The bar is low.
28 09,2023
about question
Or you can search up js paint. Idk if some1 has posted this but if yall want a taste of old ms paint, here.
21 09,2023
about lmao
I wasn't expecting any COD ship but thats my bad i still have no idea why bakugo/izuku is in top 10. Its ridiculous. Grow a pair.
Also the way how Alhaitham/Kaveh got placed 3rd lmao. Its how non romantic ships got placed lower
28 08,2023
You're an assassin in a book you hate to death. Your client just so happen to place a character/s (max 3) that is so rage inducing that you think the plot would improve better if they were a bag of bone 6ft under.
For fantasy assassins, yall have a very very SIMPLE powers. So yes, powers are allowed if it fits the world. So its up 2 u if you want powers/magic.

This time im going with the FL of Log in to Love City bcos i remember how rage inducing that ending was. Personally imma hang her on one of them meat hooks at her work after the job is finished. Smh no difficulty.
25 08,2023
about question
Yall ever go on whisper and just wanna say the most vilest things known to man? The top popular post are filled with bots, stupid people and nonsense. Only few make sense but then when you look at the replies to a post you just wanna go through their screens and strangle them?
Then you get to the latest post and boom, more bots, more horney ppl and more fustration. Like no we don't want to go on unicorn_daze. And no i don't want to go on your shitty cam websites and no i don't wanna see ur shitty mega links along with the occasional '6teen' y/o girl.
Also those married men and women go on there and say 'Whats one thing you do that my husband/wife won't' ILL SOCK YOU IN THE FACE, KICK YOUR 2 INCH DICK AND RIP YOUR HAIR OUT.

sorry i just needed that off my chest.
27 07,2023

People are doing

did made a discord server


6 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

11 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

12 hours