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Shampoo's experience ( All 0 )

Shampoo's answer ( All 193 )

about question
I’m a 20 year old wasting my years studying so I can’t help you unfortunately..   reply
26 days
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Yeah idk why i thought it was my wifi or that my account got deleted   1 reply
23 05,2024
What , who , where , when , and why . Im listening Reaction   reply
20 07,2021
I really wonder what those kind of people who write those things look like   reply
06 07,2021
about question
Thug number 1 yes Thug number 2 ah .. ok Thug number 3 why am i not surprised My reaction lmaooo wtf   reply
02 07,2021

Shampoo's question ( All 29 )

18 04,2021
So , hear me out or um ... read me out
My closest friend , well our friendship is one sided , its not even friendship i am just toxic and im obsessed with them , i knew that the time that they’d leave will come , but i didn’t think it’ll be soon , i have borderline, so i try my best not to get attached , i cant handle goodbyes , especially when its someone im attached to , i always tried to not get attached , but something about this person drove me in , and yesterday they left , its been a short while 6 months only , but i feel like im dying , i feel so alone , like something is on top of my chest , i keep panicking , i am so clingy i dont blame them , but when i met them it was my happiest year , now that they left i feel so depressed , my body isnt even functioning well , im having headaches and i keep throwing up , its so weird , never felt this way , it feels like i dont want to let anyone in anymore , they might be reading this actually , im only attached to my older brother and my friend , never been abandoned but this is my first time , im so scared ,
18 04,2021
about question
04 04,2021
Im literally so stressed these days , i have finals , midterms and my medicine uni ability exam , and today isnt the best day since i thought i wasnt cured from my illness but turns out its still here after not having symptoms for a whole year .

why was it down actually ? Is it cuz it’s illegal?
04 04,2021
about question
04 03,2021
I’ll say a random thing thats been happening these days
My budgie is 2 months old and she already masturbates 24/7 .. wtf is wrong with her
04 03,2021
Faces are flushed
Violet and green
Strangle their throats before they scream

Faces are flushed
Violet and blue
Wrap their necks until they drool

Skulls are open
Covered in Red
Try to run or you’ll be dead

Bodies are skinned
Scarlet Red
Hide the body before going to Bed

Eyes are plucked
Black Sockets
Treasure them in a small Bucket

Faces are Pale
Covered in Dread
Try to hide or you’ll be Dead

A lullaby i made , some vent art you can say , it was very fun making this , i made up a story behind this , its about a little girl who got brutally murdered and disfigured , so her soul is haunting the city and singing this as a warning to Run
Now , imagine this with a child’s voice
10 02,2021
about question
06 02,2021
Im not a troll , but roast me , im a nice person but i just wanna see how you roast ppl , my name is shampoo if u wanna make fun of that ;9 gimme all u got love
06 02,2021