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sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Sakamoto Days
sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Fight Club
sleepy_chelsy asked a question

I‘m looking for stories where the MC is completely broken aka indifferent to everything. Not cold hearted but more like giving up on life except for maybe one thing which could be anything like revenge, etc.
Genre doesn’t matter.

sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Backlight

I love how everybody is simping for the MC

sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Dreadful Night

Imagine the killer appearing now and be like (⊙…⊙ )┛

wait is the author implying that Toono was hypnotized? That that’s the reason why he fell in love with MC?

sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Dreadful Night

I feel like bada is trying to get the killed during sex ending

sleepy_chelsy answered question about character obsession
I can’t think of someone specifically now. But I hate stories where the main protagonist forces the other to marry them and then the author expects the reader to feel bad for the protag bc their partner isn’t reciprocating their love like what Also, weak ass female characters who only serve as the damsel in distress for the male protagonist a......
sleepy_chelsy asked a question

I need a laugh. Y’all have any silly lowkey dumb manga/webtoon you can recommend? Genre (?) doesn’t matter.

sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

Can someone remind me again why the uke doesn’t want to hear the words „I love you“ and thinks they are f buddies ?? I thought he is in love with him??

I bet it’s going to be another misunderstanding story. the seme is seems to like the uke. I mean just look at the way he smiles and glances at him. There is def something. That’s why he keeps saying the uke is cute which I assume he is talking about uke‘s personality/antics or he just didn’t want to hurt the uke’s feeling. looks wise the uke is indeed „average“. I don’t think he necessarily meant to talk shit behind his back. He just stated the truth ig dude just seems way too tactless kekw

Ofc I could be wrong but judging by the cover and the title I don’t think it’s going to be that deep

sleepy_chelsy created a topic of Love and Roll

they look like they are about to shoot laser beams out of them

Also, all this talk about how you wanna kill this man - literally the main point of this story - but then you gloss over how he died by only showing us his peaceful sleeping face lol

ngl…..this was one of the more unsatisfying revenge stories I’ve read. It should have been her who did the revenge personally. Instead she got played like a fiddle by ML( ̄へ ̄)