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Arv's experience ( All 3 )

about question
  1 reply
04 08,2023
Arv 10 04,2021
Guys help me searching this manga pretty please I have lost the title..n found the image luckily while searching for some random pictures..pls help me ..   3 reply
10 04,2021
Arv 27 02,2021
Today I n my brother(5 yrs younger) surprisingly saw a anime together. I mean it may seem pretty come to u all but we r like tom n spike in "Tom n Jerry". Mostly arguing n throwing blame on each other.. So this is definitely a wonder to me..we both got attracted to the cuteness of the anime n the anime which made this possible was "school babysitte......   reply
27 02,2021

Arv's answer ( All 517 )

about question
Licked the walls   reply
31 03,2024
about question
All bad things kinda feel gd to us at some point until they happen to us irl.   reply
04 12,2023
I don't remember anything abt the justify my words.....-_-'   reply
09 11,2023

Arv's question ( All 11 )

So ya ppl...Hello there (☆▽☆) I Just wanna hear ur pick up lines coz I see most of them here are good at flirting I, a almost nothing compared to u guys want to study more in this fill me up to the brim..(✷‿✷)
11 04,2021
Arv 03 04,2021 r u all doing??
03 04,2021
Arv 18 03,2021
One thing that u like about ur siblings.. don't tell there aren't any ..there will be atleast one
18 03,2021
about crying
If we could remember all the memories from the day we r born ..what do u think the possible impact on us would be?
17 03,2021

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

4 minutes
did explain a manga plot badly

gay dude becomes a vampire and preys on the downfall of a bloodline because he couldn't stand being poor

2 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Unfollow to kill influencer, otherwise follow to risk death.

2 hours