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Namesareapain June 18, 2024 6:37 pm

Horny jellyfish user is horny for kids, pls go castrate and kill yourself along with everyone else defending this shit <3

    H0rny JellyFiSh June 18, 2024 7:42 pm

    LMAOOO da fuq

    kuraki_kun June 19, 2024 3:20 am

    You go to a mental rehab for suggesting suicide just for a fictional character. You don’t deserve the access to internet.

    Namesareapain June 19, 2024 8:48 am
    You go to a mental rehab for suggesting suicide just for a fictional character. You don’t deserve the access to internet. kuraki_kun

    Neither do u you, you pedophile <3 stay mad

Namesareapain May 27, 2024 6:46 pm

Can anyone recommend me something like the second couple, shot was so good, the drama, the trauma and the miscommunication

    anggikun May 28, 2024 6:02 am

    Form of sympathy maybe

    Namesareapain May 28, 2024 1:42 pm
    Form of sympathy maybe anggikun

    I read it already

    vani June 4, 2024 9:18 am

    maybe at the end of the road or a shoulder to cry on? both have a similar vibe iirc. a trace of wonder had also a bit of angst/trauma or between the stars

Namesareapain May 27, 2024 2:51 pm

Help the pedophiles have started to rationalise our hate for the manga and its readers as one person making several accounts lmaooo, bitch pls I wish I had the energy for that. Don't try to justify people's sane brains with your insane pedophilic tendencies. I'll always come back so keep reading our hate comments and get triggered everyday <3

    sho May 27, 2024 7:05 pm

    Teacher, I truly admire you, Drugsarentthatgood and many others for your efforts. People like you are the ones protecting our kids, not these deranged creatures who like this absolute garbage of a manga. They genuinely creep me out and they're honestly so embarrassing. I can't believe they're twisting our words in order to defend this manga still. Hope they all either kill themselves or just simply rot and die lmao

    Namesareapain May 27, 2024 10:08 pm
    Teacher, I truly admire you, Drugsarentthatgood and many others for your efforts. People like you are the ones protecting our kids, not these deranged creatures who like this absolute garbage of a manga. They g... sho

    Seeing people unite and not normalise something for once has been a real eye awaking. I'm thankful that there seem to be more sane people who can rationalise how wrong this manga is. Working with kids makes my heart ache whenever I see stuff like this and how deranged online people can get. So I'm glad to know you're with us :)

    H0rny JellyFiSh May 27, 2024 11:58 pm

    Kys ^w^ is it so hard to understand we just like the manga and we're not sexually abusing kids??

    Namesareapain May 28, 2024 8:06 am
    Kys ^w^ is it so hard to understand we just like the manga and we're not sexually abusing kids?? H0rny JellyFiSh

    I hope u die a painful death <3
    By your logic it's okay to draw children being sexually abused because haha its fiction! Dumbass with no braincells

    H0rny JellyFiSh May 28, 2024 1:14 pm
    I hope u die a painful death <3 By your logic it's okay to draw children being sexually abused because haha its fiction! Dumbass with no braincells Namesareapain

    Bro go play saya no uta and grow some balls geez

    Namesareapain May 28, 2024 1:42 pm
    Bro go play saya no uta and grow some balls geez H0rny JellyFiSh

    Go listen to euphoria by kendrick lamar and castrate yourself <3

Namesareapain May 14, 2024 11:15 am

I'll keep coming back so stay mad pedophiles

Namesareapain May 13, 2024 10:06 pm

Yall are disgusting trying to make it seem normal for the kids to act that way. I've been working as a teacher for that age range for nearly 5 years now, no child, especially a boy, has that sort of mindset as that black haired kid. They're not nearly as intelligent to comprehend emotions or sexual desires to that extent. Are they sort of aware of sex? Yes sure but the most they can manage is make a joke about it and think they're cool for doing so. Even up until early teen years they only know how to goof around the subject. If you think there's not a serious issue with portraying a kid to be that obsessed with sex and relationships then u guys are insane.
Fucking disgusting. Everyone of u for defending this shit.

    coldefan123 May 13, 2024 10:11 pm

    teacher we need more people on here like you so mannnnny grown ppl who swear up and down their frontal lobes are developed defend this type of media all the time

    Batata May 14, 2024 9:17 am

    Teacher, do you want to start some kind of revolution on this illegal site and for the people who read all kinds of things, I can tell they're more mature than you tho?
    What's all that para for!?
    It's seems to me your pure soul isn't made to breathe in the same place like the rest of them who support this story!?
    You should free yourself from this disgrace of a story(acc. to you) and not come back to read it.

    Batata May 14, 2024 9:51 am

    Teacher, in all honesty with my comment earlier I wanted to ask you what are you so worried about that you had to write such huge paras, what do you think that'll happen and what do you think will the people who read especially like, this story do in real life, that got you so worried!?

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 10:14 am
    Teacher, in all honesty with my comment earlier I wanted to ask you what are you so worried about that you had to write such huge paras, what do you think that'll happen and what do you think will the people wh... Batata

    Great let's all normalise reading stories about sexuallising children and feed more pedos (like u) with more material! I'm sure the number of people who want to abuse children will decrease if we continue to support stories like this on media! Wonderful really! We should all collectively continue to support, tell the authors this is great, talk about how cute this is so that society as a whole will create more stories about sexuallised kids! Stories like this should totally be normalised, right? Wow you are a genius! - note the sarcasm.

    You are incredibly deranged as a human being and I'm so glad u feel compelled enough to comment and still think you're making a point. I don't come back to read it, I come back so that every mf trying to normalise this shit won't get away with it. We come back so that we thoroughly guilt u pedophiles to the point that you'd never fool yourself to think you'd be accepted by the outside world. U may fool yourself in the confines of the online world and your chronically diseased brains, but don't think for a second that sane people will ever accept you. Know that we who hate this work are the people trying to protect our children and foolish people like u are the ones putting them in danger by normalising this shit. I hope u truly suffer for that deranged mind of yours, u disgust me.

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 10:16 am
    teacher we need more people on here like you so mannnnny grown ppl who swear up and down their frontal lobes are developed defend this type of media all the time coldefan123

    Literally, they're literally so chronically online it's disgusting. Fools the whole lot of them, ugh they disgust me, I'm so worried for the children in this world

    Batata May 14, 2024 10:52 am
    Great let's all normalise reading stories about sexuallising children and feed more pedos (like u) with more material! I'm sure the number of people who want to abuse children will decrease if we continue to su... Namesareapain

    Yeah, yeah whatever, keep yapping!
    Teacher you really have a potty mouth, I only commented because somewhere I read in your comments that how you were inspired by someone to leave hate speech which sounded so idiotic and you're right I shouldn't have commented under your reply, what a waste of my kind words but here's your that you've been dying to get by coming here again and again.
    With all that gibberish that you wrote I feel the problem is not the people who read but you an idiot who blur the line of fiction and reality and generalizing a huge group of people on the basis of your shrewd one way thinking.
    Oh but if you so badly wanna do something about it kindly visit the authors social media handle and also help kids in real life who really need help and are crying instead of being a keyboard warrior under a slice of life story because you're barking in the wrong place also you want people to feel guilty!?
    For what, lol? It's you dumb f*cks who aren't understanding the story why should others feel guilty lmao also 'sane people', who!? Like yourself? That's some nxt lvl delusion you have their about yourself.
    I wish you suffer the worst a person can suffer for wishing ill omen on others who aren't hurting anyone, hope the curses you throw at others come back biting at you, your entitlement disgust me, your whole being is a nuisance!!

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 11:07 am
    Yeah, yeah whatever, keep yapping!Teacher you really have a potty mouth, I only commented because somewhere I read in your comments that how you were inspired by someone to leave hate speech which sounded so id... Batata

    Yes thank u very much, I am indeed doing all that and more for irl children so I'm glad u recognize my efforts, I'm taking that trophy everywhere.
    Oh and yeah lmao thank u for getting triggered

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 11:12 am
    Yeah, yeah whatever, keep yapping!Teacher you really have a potty mouth, I only commented because somewhere I read in your comments that how you were inspired by someone to leave hate speech which sounded so id... Batata

    You disgusting human being, come on, why don't u just go ahead and admit u like children!! Freak, u disgusting human garbage with no capacity to see correlations.

    Batata May 14, 2024 11:15 am
    Yes thank u very much, I am indeed doing all that and more for irl children so I'm glad u recognize my efforts, I'm taking that trophy everywhere.Oh and yeah lmao thank u for getting triggered Namesareapain

    I'm not really triggered lol, I'm just amazed by how a person can be so stupid and have so much time to talk nonsense on daily basis but now that I've seen you, I understand that, all sorts of weirdos are out there.
    Sure, welcome!! I'm really glad I was able to give you the only achievement you have in your life.

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 11:18 am
    I'm not really triggered lol, I'm just amazed by how a person can be so stupid and have so much time to talk nonsense on daily basis but now that I've seen you, I understand that, all sorts of weirdos are out t... Batata

    Lmaoo says the pedophile!!!! If u weren't triggered why did u reply to me LOOOLLL. Wah wah stay mad u pedo.

    Batata May 14, 2024 11:51 am
    You disgusting human being, come on, why don't u just go ahead and admit u like children!! Freak, u disgusting human garbage with no capacity to see correlations. Namesareapain

    Yeah? I like children, who doesn't!??
    But the thing is I have the capacity to understand right from wrong which a vile human being like yourself lack.
    The difference between you and me is after reading the story the first thing coming in my head would be, "Aw, how cute both of them are or how fast-paced is Tsubaki in proposing Yuu" not "PEDOPHILIA, PEDOPHILIA" like yourself.
    Neither do I generalize people on the basis of my thinking nor I think people will have weird fantasies for this kid in the story as it's not even giving pedo vibes, honestly if you thought this first after reading it, trust me something is really wrong with your head.
    Those who're defending aren't the problem but those who're inserting pedo in this are seriously a huge problem because trash like you are the ones who actually thought about sexualizing them which nobody was thinking about in the first place.
    You and people like you are the ones blurring the line which shouldn't be crossed.
    You really are an immature reader, you're so revolting that even garbage will look pretty in front of you, f*king retard.

    Batata May 14, 2024 11:56 am
    Lmaoo says the pedophile!!!! If u weren't triggered why did u reply to me LOOOLLL. Wah wah stay mad u pedo. Namesareapain

    I only commented because I wanted to know the reason for your spamming on daily basis, it amazed me how you come back again and again when this story is not even updated for quite a while.
    Say whatever you want retarded b*tch lmao, it's not me who's mad but you and you only, keep crying and keep bitching about what others read!!!

    Drugsarentthatgood May 14, 2024 12:22 pm
    Yeah? I like children, who doesn't!??But the thing is I have the capacity to understand right from wrong which a vile human being like yourself lack.The difference between you and me is after reading the story ... Batata

    Kill yourself

    Batata May 14, 2024 1:01 pm
    Kill yourself Drugsarentthatgood

    Hah!! I already warned you once to not speak so ill for others but this time you really crossed the line, who asked you fucker!?
    You really are a bully, are you seriously saying this to someone over a freaking manga, why? did my comment hit the mark. I'm amazed by your stupidity, the way you've been cursing others is the way you're going to go down.
    This is already your second id which you made because people were complaining about you, don't tell me this retard @Namesareapain who was inspired by you is also your id.
    Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong trash bitch, why don't you go and kill yourself first and die a dogs death, die! so that one burden will be less on this planet, die! so that the oxygen yove wasted can be recovered, be a good girl and heed to your own advice, the way you've been calling others like this is nauseating, I wish the way you wrote 'KILL YOURSELF' without hesitation is the way death knocks at your door and you die the most painful death that you'll swore to think twice before speaking, you're not even a human if this comes so easily out of your mouth, you're worse than the pest.

    Drugsarentthatgood May 14, 2024 1:02 pm
    Hah!! I already warned you once to not speak so ill for others but this time you really crossed the line, who asked you fucker!?You really are a bully, are you seriously saying this to someone over a freaking m... Batata

    Yap yap yap kill yourself

    Batata May 14, 2024 1:05 pm
    Yap yap yap kill yourself Drugsarentthatgood

    As I said go and KILL yourself first dumbass bitch!!
    Simply die!!
    Your blabbings are already out there in the comment section what are calling my comment yapping, fucking asshole!

    coldefan123 May 14, 2024 1:28 pm
    As I said go and KILL yourself first dumbass bitch!!Simply die!!Your blabbings are already out there in the comment section what are calling my comment yapping, fucking asshole! Batata

    are you russian

    Drugsarentthatgood May 14, 2024 1:53 pm
    As I said go and KILL yourself first dumbass bitch!!Simply die!!Your blabbings are already out there in the comment section what are calling my comment yapping, fucking asshole! Batata

    LMAO bro is so mad

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 2:08 pm
    Hah!! I already warned you once to not speak so ill for others but this time you really crossed the line, who asked you fucker!?You really are a bully, are you seriously saying this to someone over a freaking m... Batata

    Yes they are for fact the ones who inspired me LMAOO, stay mad bitch, the reason you're on the defensive is because u know ur on the wrong side, keep trying to rationalise your pedophilic tendencies. Me and my bro will keep commenting, and if u feel oh so wronged by them I hope u rot in from the inside out by trying to normalise such mangas, u vile trash. Oh and if their death is one less burden on this world your death is a whole one less PEDOPHILE ON THIS WORLD. I sure do look forward to that day, where I know one less person is alive to hurt children. Disgusting pedophile. LOOOOL.

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 2:08 pm
    are you russian coldefan123


    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 2:08 pm
    LMAO bro is so mad Drugsarentthatgood

    I'm literally laughing so hard

    Batata May 14, 2024 2:13 pm
    LMAO bro is so mad Drugsarentthatgood

    Who wouldn't, if you say shit like that!!

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 2:23 pm
    Who wouldn't, if you say shit like that!! Batata

    Lmao thank u for reading through all our replies, now yap yap and kill yourself.

    Batata May 14, 2024 2:34 pm
    Yes they are for fact the ones who inspired me LMAOO, stay mad bitch, the reason you're on the defensive is because u know ur on the wrong side, keep trying to rationalise your pedophilic tendencies. Me and my ... Namesareapain

    Defensive!!? Yeah, yeah fucker!!
    Guess after that trash, you're nxt on the death list, your death would lift off the burden that your family is caring, people really should wear condom, who knows when an idiot like you will be born, so burdensome also if assuming shit about me and others makes you sleep well at night, sure go ahead, can't even expect anything from a retard, hope you never wake up.
    I will also look forward to the day when you and your 'bro' are dead, rotting away somewhere, trash pests, two nuisance less on earth!! Lol
    You'll are a disgrace can't do a shit about people who need help but would be first to become keyboard warrior.
    Keep barking bitch, that's the only thing you know how to do!!

    Batata May 14, 2024 2:37 pm
    Lmao thank u for reading through all our replies, now yap yap and kill yourself. Namesareapain

    Womp womp bitch, go die, please heed your own advice and be the first to kill yourself, your bro is there to follow you!!

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 2:41 pm
    Womp womp bitch, go die, please heed your own advice and be the first to kill yourself, your bro is there to follow you!! Batata

    Yap yap go die bitch lmaooooo

    Batata May 14, 2024 2:46 pm
    Yap yap go die bitch lmaooooo Namesareapain

    Womp womp, just die trashy bitch, go and do what you're telling others to do, go and fucking kill yourself!!

    Namesareapain May 14, 2024 3:19 pm
    Womp womp, just die trashy bitch, go and do what you're telling others to do, go and fucking kill yourself!! Batata

    Womp womp yap yap

    Drugsarentthatgood May 14, 2024 3:33 pm
    Who wouldn't, if you say shit like that!! Batata

    No normal no pedophile person would be bad about what we are saying, you wouldn't feel called out if you weren't a pedophile

    Batata May 14, 2024 4:40 pm
    No normal no pedophile person would be bad about what we are saying, you wouldn't feel called out if you weren't a pedophile Drugsarentthatgood

    I wasn't mad for anything that was being said, you dont like reading this story I get it, you don't like people who read this story, I get that too but my problem was people spamming same things, that was the only reason I commented, I didnt even read properly what op said.I wanted to ask op what would you achieve writing same things again and again and that person assumed and came to conclusion me being a pedo, started going on and on, thats why I said whatever I felt right, oh well!! not that I care.
    English isn't my 1st language but I would apologize if my message wasn't conveyed properly.
    my earlier reply was only for you and for your 1st comment that you made and what do you mean by called out, are you saying that when you said "KILL YOURSELF", it was because I read this story, but is it so easy for you to curse someone out and say kill yourself? My problem was only with these two words, are you saying you are in your right mind to say "kill yourself" to someone for anything, especially something for this story, how old are you, these two words were the only thing that pissed me off unrelated to anything that was being said and done maybe because I'm from middle eastern region but these are some really heavy words for me, if you wanna call me names, be my guest but this is the first time when I saw someone being so crass, that's all.

    Drugsarentthatgood May 14, 2024 5:02 pm
    I wasn't mad for anything that was being said, you dont like reading this story I get it, you don't like people who read this story, I get that too but my problem was people spamming same things, that was the o... Batata

    Sure you were totally not defending this story and it's reader

    Syn.chronic May 16, 2024 9:58 pm
    Womp womp, just die trashy bitch, go and do what you're telling others to do, go and fucking kill yourself!! Batata

    clock it psychopath you’re a kid diddler

Namesareapain May 7, 2024 8:21 pm

Yikes everyone here is a pedo trying to preach about "leave us alone this is fiction" yall stfu the people in this story are literally encouraging being with a child and making it seem okay for the teen to be with him. Disgusting if yall are trying to justify this shit. The problem isn't the child going through puberty, it's the mf actually taking his love into consideration and being encouraged by everyone around. Bless the person spewing hate comments to these pedos I'm with u mate!

    Drugsarentthatgood May 7, 2024 8:30 pm

    Thank you people in this comments are so braindead from being in their little internet bubble that normalized this "fiction" so now when they see normal people being rightfully disgusted they're surprised. The anime and manga community protects pedophiles

    Namesareapain May 7, 2024 9:51 pm
    Thank you people in this comments are so braindead from being in their little internet bubble that normalized this "fiction" so now when they see normal people being rightfully disgusted they're surprised. The... Drugsarentthatgood

    Nah man thank u for your wonderful work and being among the only sane ones around here. We shouldn't be letting them get away with shit like this. Saying it's fiction is a crazy argument especially when they know for fact if this had been flat out been child p** none of them would've been able to justify it, but they can't manage to see the correlation. The community is literally braindead. You encouraged me to leave hate comments and I hope more people will do the same, let's make them feel guilty and horrible as they should.

    sho May 11, 2024 11:38 am

    Ugh you guys are literally angels for saying this. The fuck are they defending this sewer rat shit for

Namesareapain February 24, 2024 2:29 am

Yet another enjoyable read utterly destroyed by impossibly proportioned women with zero character outside of hyper sexualized and shy personality.

It's not that they aren't as good as jjk, it's that they'll never do what jjk did. Which is creating female characters not defined by their body traits. They wish they could be maki or yuki and not a walking balloon with those tits.

    Lona March 23, 2024 12:56 pm

    Totally get the criticism but JJK is not exactly a poster example for great female characters in manga

    Namesareapain March 23, 2024 4:27 pm
    Totally get the criticism but JJK is not exactly a poster example for great female characters in manga Lona

    I disagree, I think jjk has really good female characters. They're not defined by romance to the male characters and they don't need to be overpowering to be cool. Nobara never getting a power up doesn't make her a badly written character. In the same way that megumi often criticized for constantly trying to use mahoraga doesn't make jjk a series with badly written male characters.

Namesareapain September 7, 2023 11:02 pm

My man is WEAK for his ex wife. He fighting a war trying to stay indifferent in her presence only to lose to the words "I'm free tonight". Biggest SIMP period.

Namesareapain May 8, 2021 12:46 pm

I remember when I used to say the exact same things as skylar and felt the same way about others as well. Similarly it wasn't until a friend kept insisting that she wanted to be my friend no matter how rude I was. To me who was going through a lot and deeply emotionally hurt, who also truly believed that I didnt need anyone, she taught me that even trash like me was really longing for someone to talk to. Anyway guys don't insist on someone being an asshole until you've actually tried to really be there for them (ofc we're not talking about abusive people).

Namesareapain April 28, 2021 12:30 am

Idk about others but I really cried a lot for this manga, I know everyone is focusing on the second hand embarrassment or the comedy but to me I value the tiny moments the most. I feel like crying every time something bad happens to him especially when his friend acts like a jerk. I want to cry for soorims sister who likes him so much but doesn't feel like she can be liked. I just want to cry for hooni.

    Milfs <33 April 28, 2021 4:27 am

    Same bestie I love him so much he deserves so much if I could give him money I’d give him all of my money just for him to be able to eat a good meal

    Namesareapain April 28, 2021 12:59 pm
    Same bestie I love him so much he deserves so much if I could give him money I’d give him all of my money just for him to be able to eat a good meal Milfs <33

    ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Fairyvk April 28, 2021 6:52 pm

    Im glad im not alone. I personally didn’t find almost anything here embarrassing bc most of them were serious situations and not something he should’ve been ashamed about, just like this chapter’s situation , and instead i’ve cried non-stop almost every chapte bc of how sad it is

    Namesareapain April 29, 2021 12:40 am
    Im glad im not alone. I personally didn’t find almost anything here embarrassing bc most of them were serious situations and not something he should’ve been ashamed about, just like this chapter’s situati... Fairyvk

    Honestly same, I get so sad and feel so terrible especially when he hurts himself T-T

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