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Yanyan want to do ( All 1 )

i like crying

Yanyan's experience ( All 2 )

25 04,2024
was talking to my crush and he was saying "it's so hot i want ice cream" I accidentally said "I wish I'm an icecream" (i want to be ice cream cos it's cold so it prolly feels cold too ) then i realized how it came out wrong so I said "oh, wrong wording" he just brushed if off but ajkzjsnnskw   3 reply
25 04,2024
about question
01 12,2023
I like asking anime fans "what cartoon is that?" when they're watching an anime and watch them go feral defending that it's anime not cartoon. makes me chuckle a little   reply
01 12,2023

Yanyan's answer ( All 40 )

about question
people who can't keep their mouth shut when it comes to private info shared to them. I trusted you to not spread it but no, you opened your legs so wide as if you want everyone in like it's some sort of orgy.   2 reply
5 days
about question
you're the reason why you are the way you are right now. there's no fucking "my trauma made me.." "i was raised in an environment ...." . do something about it, instead of making excuses. also, all you do is read all day and you feel like you have no talent or skill? have you ever tried putting actual effort?? no, you probably gave up quick and did......   1 reply
12 days
ok but do fruits eat other fruits   1 reply
04 05,2024
Stepsiblings, even if that's your brother/sister and you're not related by blood, that's your family right there.   reply
07 03,2024
i hate how many goddamn genders and sexualities are out there , I can't keep up with the lgbt shit   6 reply
08 09,2023

Yanyan's question ( All 3 )

about question
There is no drama or anything but it just ended

I have this one best friend I've known since kinder but I realized like a year ago that we aren't really similar anymore, we don't share the same humor, belief and personality anymore. Before I thought it's just a temporary feeling but now I realized I truly outgrown them. Before I cant imagine not talking to them everyday but now I don't mind not talking to them anymore and it feels weird ig someone who once a huge part of my life being not important anymore
18 04,2024
Is your life going well and everything is going to plan? Well mine isn't so I'm going to give you my 5 steps on how to fuck up your life!

1. Read manga/hwa/hua more than 10 hours a day.
Socializing? don't do that, stay at your room all day eating chips, reading in mangago.
2. Every night after reading, think about how horrible your life is, how untalented you are and how unproductive you are throughout the day but won't do anything about it and the cycle continues.
3. Always think that "I will do it when productivity hits me" , don't schedule anything and wait for that nonexistent motivation to come to you.
4. Set high goals for yourself instead of being specific on what you want to do. Never think I will clean my table but instead go for "I will clean my entire house" because you'll realize later on that there is way too many to clean and you won't be able to accomplish it.
5. Always think that you will never succeed because you aren't born as smart as other people and don't invest meaningful hours in your hobbies and when faced with a difficult situation, just give up!

Sometimes our brain can be stubborn and we want to be happier, more productive so what we should do is ignore it and if possible, be an alcoholic, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, don't do therapy and continue doing this and you'll successfully screw up your life.
08 08,2023
about question
I have nothing else better to do so if you'd like to be judged by the ways you answer questions in the forums, your pfp and the things you read, kindly comment so I can feed your need for approval or if you'd like your existence to be judged /10
20 07,2023

People are doing

did made a discord server


5 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

10 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Man gains experience to read minds and became gay

11 hours