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Itomuraa add 1 photos to Fav moments
Tags: cute moments

Gap moe lol

Itomuraa add 1 photos to important?

Still feel that it's the mc's father's fault mostly... Like he prioritised his pride than his family

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Appetizing Humans

Aww.... Am i going to like this guy too ._.

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Appetizing Humans

So many cute old men ヾ(*’O’*)/

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Appetizing Humans

Cute old man (◡ ω ◡)

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Fav moments

I'm dieing here pls stop making me laugh. They're just the best comedic duo

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Fav moments


Itomuraa add 1 photos to Fav moments

Kohina has some serious issues lol

Itomuraa add 1 photos to Fav moments

They totally have more sus history between them

Itomuraa created a topic of Maru is a Puppy

Lmaoo, you know the situation is serious when even Maru can read the atmosphere

Lmao do u know what ur saying u dummy

Itomuraa add 1 photos to ADORBS MOMENTS

Even you? LOLOL