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I love this manhwa sm. Even after reading it before, i still cried when shavonne left my poor boy. You should definitely read this manhwa I recommend

JIN SAKAI created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Idk how its gonna end either one or both of them but i feel like it would end with a few chapters. Not sure tho this one actually is difficult to foreshadow

JIN SAKAI add 1 photos to GYATT
JIN SAKAI add 1 photos to LMAOO
JIN SAKAI answered question about let me just scream
10% debate 90% yapping. Guys bidens head is actually fried he cant finish his sentences
JIN SAKAI created a topic of Define The Relationship

Im not a omegaverse enjoyer but this one has my heart to how different it is unlike others are. But we need them side stories sweetie

JIN SAKAI add 1 photos to GYATT