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0anvi0's experience ( All 0 )

0anvi0's answer ( All 2 )

How do they make money when theres literally no advertisements ? Okay fam lol . Also who says they arent using the money to distribute to authors?   reply
18 01,2021
15 01,2021
your mum's bra mate   reply
15 01,2021

0anvi0's question ( All 1 )

Hello fellow manga readers! I am a manga reader just like you and this site has brought me lots of laughs and enjoyment, it has helped me through dark times. But unfortunately, on the 1st of February i may not be able to read my favorite manga anymore..

I am getting kicked out and have to leave by the premises by the 1st, but i dont have enough money to move. I have a place lined up in another state but even if i get a job now i wont have enough to leave. My last resort is asking for donations, im very close to getting my goal.

I have an emotional support cat and am 8 months pregnant (my biggest worries). Im afraid if i dont have enough i will be homeless and my stuff will be tossed by the landlord since i have no where to put it and it will be on his property.
also if you can refer to me sites that hire people online jobs, or sites that you can make money will help a lot too.
If you wanna help add me: Anvi#8751

please dont shame me im already emotional and stressed
18 01,2021

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