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Bruh answered question about travel abroad
White people are annoying af on God
Bruh answered question about question
Bro the amount of people here saying that murder can be somewhat acceptable is concerning. Just say that the guy you like is hot and everybody's moral compass is different and be done with it. Don't try to sugar coat this with pseudo intellectualism especially when the example given is about Eren
Bruh asked question about i need to study

Do yall remember how the whole forums fought with that one writer of that manhwa and the forums were no more. She made a response to the mggo forums being up again here

Bruh asked question about making friends on mangago

Holy shit the forums are back

Bruh followed a goer

I ask for you constant attention and salmon

26 07,2021
Bruh followed a goer

I ask for you constant attention and salmon

26 07,2021
Bruh like topic of Full volume

Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers

Bruh did

6 people did   /   3 want to do

@Seb you're lucky Igtg pussy

Bruh want to do

186 people did   /   39 want to do


Bruh want to do

114 people did   /   45 want to do

Make me snitch

Bruh did

37 people did   /   3 want to do


Bruh did

27 people did   /   36 want to do

Ur mom's boring

Bruh want to do

42 people did   /   12 want to do

Ohhhh shit's getting serious

Bruh want to do

42 people did   /   11 want to do

That sounds like a waste of ice cream

Bruh did

43 people did   /   7 want to do

What the fck is going on here

Bruh did

23 people did   /   2 want to do

It's not gonna go down, they disabled the forums so this drama won't go further

Bruh did

8 people did   /   5 want to do

That's it I'm gonna strangle him

Bruh did

79 people did   /   91 want to do

Shut up bitch